The primary disadvantage of Ethernet is that the response time is not consistent under widely varying loads. As the network loading increases above 50% , collisions occur more frequently and the network response time increases. In practice, most large busy networks use bridges to reduce the number of collisions. Bridges are discussed in the next chapter.
2.4 IEEE 802.4 (Token Bus)
Token Bus was selected by the MAP committee because it provided a bus topology (which some consider to be a better plant floor topology) and it offered the consistent, deterministic response time inherent in token passing schemes. RF technology was selected for noise immunity and because it provided the opportunity for a single factory cabling system to carry both digital data and analog video.
The big disadvantage of Token Bus is cost and availability. Not only are the adapters very costly (up to 30 times the cost of Ethernet) but RF transmission is very sensitive to factors such as cable length, amplifier alignment and termination impedances - making it expensive to install and maintain.
2.5 Future Technologies
While both
At this point in time, it is difficult to predict which technology will prevail as the new high speed standard. Many experts speculate that future networks will incorporate both current (medium speed) and high speed LAN technology.
CTI 2572 Technical Overview Manual