storage management. Minimize the number of disk storage systems required even as your VMware capacity and performance needs
Tailor storage characteristics to application requirements by implementing tiered storage and storage classes in disk storage systems as well as the SAN.
Maximize your storage price/ performance while lowering your total cost of storage ownership.
•Leverage Your Business Information.
Improve accessibility to your
valuable business data with a DS4000/DS5000 SAN infrastructure that features extensive interoperability, is specifically certified for a VMware Infrastructure, and allows any Virtual Machine to access any virtual storage system and any logical disk if authorized.
Simplify data management with tiered storage that enhances data protection and recovery and supports popular data management software (including IBM TSM).
•Reduce IT Risk. Help increase the availability and corresponding service levels of applications that
run on Virtual Machines with DS4000 and DS5000 Dynamic Capacity Expansion, Dynamic RAID Level Migration and Dynamic Segment Size Migration.
Contribute to the availability of your VMware Infrastructure storage foundation.
•Enable Business Flexibility. Expand the agility of your VMware Infrastructure with (1) storage partitioning that simplifies Virtual Machine configuration and migration, (2) nondisruptive storage upgrades that permit reuse of common parts and keep data intact, and (3) the ability to scale I/O performance without encountering storage controller bottlenecks.
Increase the resilience of your VMware Infrastructure with advanced, high availability storage features and dynamic expansion capabilities.
For More Information
To learn more visit the IBM Web site at
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June 2008
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Version 1, August 2008