Updating Hard Disk Drive and Adapter Microcode
Disk drives attached to this RAID adapter must contain the latest microcode level.
Microcode updates for hard disk drives attached to the Dual Channel SCSI RAID Enablement Card are handled automatically by the iprupdate utility, which executes each time the system is booted, or manually by the iprconfig utility. The iprupdate utility will only automatically update microcode to adapters and devices if it is determined that they are not at the minimum supported level of microcode.
The latest microcode level for your drive model and Dual Channel SCSI RAID Enablement Card may be shipped as part of the Linux distribution. If an update or replacement is needed, the latest microcode can be obtained from the pSeries microcode Web site: http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/server/mdownload/download.html.
If you downloaded new microcode from the Web site, follow the instructions in the Readme on the Web site to install it. If there are no instructions available, install it as follows:
1.If necessary, log in as root user.
2.Install the rpm package by typing: rpm
Press Enter.
3.Update the microcode based on your kernel type: If you are using a 2.4 based kernel, type: iprupdate
Press Enter. Once the microcode update has completed, you are finished. If you are using a 2.6 based kernel, type:
Press Enter and go to the next step.
4.If you are using a 2.6 based kernel, choose the Download microcode menu option and: v Select the adapters and devices you wish to update
vFor each selected device, select the microcode image you wish to download
Problem Determination
If you encounter any problems with the adapter after the installation, refer to your system unit documentation for information about running diagnostics or other
Installing the Dual Channel SCSI RAID Enablement Card using the ibmsis Device Driver
This chapter provides instructions for installing and verifying software that pertains to the Linux operating system using the ibmsis device driver. If you are using the newer ipr driver, see “Installing the Dual Channel SCSI RAID Enablement Card using the ipr Device Driver” on page 13. The required software should be installed before you install the Dual Channel SCSI RAID Enablement Card.
Note: If you are using AIX, see Chapter 5, “Setting Up the Dual Channel SCSI RAID Enablement Card (AIX),” on page 9. If you have another operating system installed, refer to your operating system documentation for information regarding installing the device driver software and configuring your system.
18Dual Channel SCSI RAID Enablement Card: Installation and Using Guide