vAutoinstall processing has been completed to a point where information (a
terminal identifier and autoinstall model name) from the control program is
required to proceed.
The communication area at INSTALL for terminals
The layout of the communication area is shown in Figure 36.
The parameter list contains the following information:
1. Standard Header. Byte 1 indicates the request type (this is hexadecimal
character X'F0' for INSTALL).
2. Pointer to a 2-byte length field, followed by the NETNAME of the resource
requesting LOGON.
3. Pointer to an array of names of eligible autoinstall models. The array is
preceded by a 2-byte field describing the number of 8-byte name elements in
the array. If there are no elements in the array,the number field is set to zero.
4. Pointer to the area of storage that you use to return information to CICS, and
where the MTS information from the VTAM CINITis stored.
5. Pointer to VTAM LOGON data (the CINITrequest unit). The data is preceded by
a 2-byte length field, indicating the length of the CINIT request unit, and
includes the 3-character NS header. The format of the CINITrequest unit is
described in the SNA Network Product Formats manual.
CICS passes a list of eligible autoinstall models in the area addressed by fullword 3
of the parameter list.
If the model name is not supplied by MTS, the control program must select a model
from this list that is suitable for the device logging on, and move the model name to
the first 8 bytes of the area addressed by fullword 4 of the parameter list.
For example, if a 3270 printer attempts to autoinstall, the subset of matching
models includes all the types in VTAM category 2 that you have defined as models.
This subset could include any of the following:
Fullword 1 Standard Header
Byte 1 Function Code (X’F0’ for INSTALL)
Bytes2-3 Component Code Always ’ZC’
Byte 4 Reserved Always X’00’
Fullword 2 Pointer to NETNAME_FIELD
Fullword 3 Pointer to MODELNAME_LIST
Fullword 4 Pointer to SELECTED_PARMS
Fullword 5 Pointer to CINIT_RU
Figure36. Autoinstall control program’s communication area at INSTALL
518 Customization Guide