Retrieving the Hold Parameter (Error Code Structure)—ILE C Example
Refer to “Retrieving the Hold Parameter (Error Code Structure)—OPM RPG
Example” on page 3-11 for the original example.
/\ \/
/\Program Name: JOBDAPI \/
/\ \/
/\Programming Language: ILE C \/
/\ \/
/\Description: This example shows how to make use of an \/
/\ error returned in the error code structure. \/
/\ \/
/\Header Files Included: STDIO - Standard Input/Output \/
/\ STRING - String Functions \/
/\ QUSEC - Error Code Parameter \/
/\ QWDRJOBD - Retrieve Job Description API \/
/\ QLIEPT - Entry Point Table \/
/\ \/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <qusec.h> .14/ /\ Error Code Parameter Include for the API \/
#include <qwdrjobd.h> /\ Retrieve Job Description API Include \/
#include <qliept.h>
/\ Error Code Structure \/
/\ \/
/\ This shows how the user can define the variable length portion of \/
/\ error code for the exception data. \/
/\ \/
typedef struct {
Qus_EC_t ec_fields;
char Exception_Data[1ðð];
} error_code_t;
main(int argc, char \argv[])
error_code_t error_code;
char qual_job_desc[];
char \qual_job_ptr = qual_job_desc;
char rec_var[39ð];
char hold_value[];
char message_id[7];
char command_string[53];
char message_string[67];
memset(hold_value, ' ', 1ð);
/\ Make sure we received the correct number of parameters. The argc \/
/\ parameter will contain the number of parameters that was passed \/
/\ to this program. This number also includes the program itself, \/
B-10 System API Programming V4R1