DSPLIB (Display Library) command 8-15
DSPMSGD (Display Message Description)
command 4-6
DSPOBJD (Display Object Description)
command 8-14
DSPPGMADP (Display Programs That Adopt)
command 5-12
Dynamic Screen Manager (DSM) APIs
use of 8-4
AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework APIs
use of 8-15
use of 8-5
edit code
definition 8-5
Edit Code (EDTCDE) API
use of 8-5
edit function APIs
Convert Edit Code (QECCVTEC) API
use of 8-5
use of 8-5
Edit Code (EDTCDE) API
use of 8-5
Edit Word (EDTWRD) API
use of 8-5
use of 8-5
edit mask
definition 8-5
edit word
definition 8-5
Edit Word (EDTWRD) API
use of 8-5
EDTCDE (Edit Code) API
use of 8-5
EDTWRD (Edit Word) API
use of 8-5
End Problem Log Services
(QsxEndProblemLogServices) API 8-19
entry point
MI instruction program 7-2
APIs for CEE environment 2-5
APIs for ILE environment
introduction 2-5
APIs for OPM environment
introduction 2-4
APIs for UNIX environment 2-6
environment variable
definition 8-21
using 8-21
environment variable APIs
use of 8-21
use of 8-21
use of 8-21
use of 8-21
use of 8-21
error code
description 3-4
error code parameter
handling exceptions 4-5
initializing 4-5
introduction 2-8
optional 2-8
using 9-2
error code structure
example 4-3
format 3-12
introduction 2-8
retrieving hold parameter
RPG example 3-11
error handling
by programming language 2-3
error determination
example 4-5
exception message 3-8
ILE RPG example B-8
job log use in 2-10
OPM RPG example 3-8
error code structure 3-6, 3-11
using API to signal 4-6
using error code parameter
description 4-5
introduction 2-8
optional 2-8
error message
CPF3CF1 4-5
CPF9872 4-5
description 3-5
error, common programming
incorrect coding with regard to new function 9-36
incorrectly defined byte alignment 9-22
incorrectly defined data structures 9-5
incorrectly defined list entry format lengths 9-14
incorrectly defined receiver variables 9-10
incorrectly using null pointers with OPM
APIs 9-18
incorrectly using offsets 9-27
incorrectly using the error code parameter 9-2
table of examples 9-1
escape (*ESCAPE) message
error handling
Index X-9