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Measurement Characteristics
Accuracy is ±(% reading + number of digits) at 23ºC ± 5ºC, less than 80% R.H.
Function Range Accuracy Overload protection
V 600 Vrms ± (1.5%+ 3 dgt) 40Hz ~ 500Hz 600 Vrms
V 600 V ± (1% + 2 dgt)
Input impedance: 1M // less than 100pF.
Resistance & Continuity
Function Range Accuracy Overload protection
2000 ± (1% + 2 dgt) 600 Vrms
Max. open circuit voltage: 3V
Continuity check: Internal sounds activates if the resistance of the circuit under test is less than 25 .
It will then turn off if the resistance is increased beyond 400 .
AC Current
Function Range Accuracy Overload protection
A 200.0A ± (3% + 3 dgt)*45Hz ~ 66Hz 200A
* Adjacent conductor influence: <0.05 A/A
Form number TM61095 Rev 2 September 2002