Daylight Savings Time
The Daylight Savings Time feature is meant to be activated in the Spring at the time of the Summer Solstice, and deactivated in the Autumn at the time of the Winter Solstice.
1At the time of the Summer Solstice, press the POWER button to turn the unit off.
2Press and hold the CLK ADJ button.
3While holding the CLK ADJ button, press the DST button to activate the Daylight Savings Time feature.
4At the time of the Winter Solstice, repeat steps
Setting the Sleep Timer
The Sleep Timer can only be set when the clock radio is powered on.
1Press the POWER button to power the clock radio on.
2Press the SOURCE button to select the desired mode (iPod, AM radio, FM radio, or Aux).
3Press the SNOOZE button repeatedly to set the sleep timer.
When the set time expires, the unit will power off automatically.
DST Activated
The DST should be activated during the Sum- mer Solstice.
DST Deactivated
The DST should be deactivated during the Winter Solstice.
Sleep Timer
The above image shows the sleep timer is set for 20 minutes. After a few seconds, the “20” will disappear. To view the remaining time, press the SNOOZE button once.
10 iLive IC600B