Copyright ©2005 by ILY Enterprise Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

Supported CD-ROM Drives* - EPO, TEAC
Supported CD-RW Drives* - Plextor, TEAC, Lite-On, Asus, SONY

Chapter 2 Installation Procedure

When you receive the Coolcopy CD Duplicator, the package could be packaged in the following
ways: controller only, whole duplicator without writer installed, and a complete duplication system.
2.1 Controller only
1. Before the installation, please prepare the necessary devices as following:
CD-ROM drive
CD-R/RW drive
IDE case (2~10-bay chassis suggested).
Hard drive and mobile rack (IDE-bus hard drive-Option)
Switching power supply (300W suggested).
2. After the preparation as above and make sure that:
All IDE devices must be in master mode.
2.2 Whole duplicator without writer installed
Unpack the package of the duplicators.
Prepare the CD-R/RW writers according to the recommendation list. Please check with
the supplier about compatibility issues with unlisted CD-R/RW drives.
Assemble the duplicator according to your need.
Make sure that the voltage setting is correct.
2.3 Completed duplication system
Take the duplication system out of the package.
Check the entire unit to see if there are any problems.
Make sure that the voltage setting is correct.
The hard drive is optional.
Hardware Connection of CoolCopy1AL (CD-Backup) without a HDD
CoolCopy1AL (CD-Backup)