Advanced settings

The following 4 options are for computer or HDTV sources only.

Phase: adjusts the phase of the video signal’s digital conversion.

Tracking: adjusts the frequency of the video signal’s digital conversion.

Horizontal/Vertical Position: adjusts the position of the source.

TrueLife: This option refers to Faroudja’s TrueLife processing of the image. All standard definition interlaced video signals (composite, S-video and component) are routed through this processor. Extended and High Definition progressive component sources are not routed though this processor by default. You can turn TrueLife on to route these signals through the processor and then adjust the following 3 options:

Chroma Detail: This adjusts the color sharpness.

Luma Detail: This adjusts the sharpness.

Chroma Delay: aligns the Luma and Chroma Detail

CCS: (Cross Color Suppression) processes the signal to remove any color information from the luma portion of the signal. It is On for all composite signals, and can be turned off for S-video and inter-laced component sig- nals.

Film Mode: controls deinterlacing. 2:2/3:2 Enable If selected, the deinter- lacer attempt to perform 3:2 pulldown, assuming the source was originally created on 24fps film. If the original source is 30fps film, you should select NTSC 2:2 pulldown.

Noise Reduction: adjusts signal noise reduction. Choose Off to have no noise reduction, choose Auto to have the software determine the amount of noise reduction, or choose Manual and adjust the Level.

Skintone Bypass prevents the noise reduction processing from being applied to skin tones. Images of people often look better with less process- ing. Available when Auto or Manual are selected.


True Life

Film Mode

Noise reduction