12v triggers 4, 34
16x9 4, 13, 20, 22, 23
4x3 23
4x3 aspect trigger 4
ADC Calibration 29 adjusting image 9, 22 Advanced menu 25 altitude limits 32 Aspect Ratio 22 Auto Power 27 Autosource 27
Blank Screen 28 blinking green 11 blinking red 11 Blue Only 29
cable box 6 cables, optional 32 CCS 25
Chime 28 Chroma Delay 25 Chroma Detail 25 cleaning the lens 29 CLI commands 37 Color Space 26 color suppression 25 Color Wheel Index 29 colors are incorrect 14
command line interface commands 37 component cable connector 7 composite video connector 7 computer, connecting 10
connecting computer 10 power cable 7 video device 7
connector panel 4 contacting InFocus 17
customer service contact information 17
D65 colors 9
dimensions of projector 35 Display Messages 27 DVI connector 7
error codes 33
Factory Reset 29
Faroudja video proecessing 25 Film Mode 25
HDTV 6, 20, 22, 34 HDTV sources 25, 26 height, adjusting 8 High Power 27 Horizontal Position 25
display video 8 focussing 9 size 5 zooming 9
image does not fit screen 13 image edges distorted 13 image not centered 12 image not square 13