| EXCESSIVE AIR PRESSURE | HAZARDOUS MATERIALS | | jury or property damage. Do not attempt to return a pump to the |
| | | | | | factory or service center that contains hazardous material. |
| | | | | | Safe handling practices must comply with local and national |
| | | | |
| WARNING | EXCESSIVE AIR PRESSURE. Can cause person- | | laws and safety code requirements. |
| al injury, pump damage or property damage. | S Obtain Material Safety Data Sheets on all materials from the |
S Do not exceed the maximum inlet air pressure as stated on the | | supplier for proper handling instructions. |
| pump model plate. | | | | WARNING | EXPLOSION HAZARD. Models containing alumi- |
S Be sure material hoses and other components are able to with- | | num wetted parts cannot be used with 1,1,1-trichloroethane, |
| stand fluid pressures developed by this pump. Check all hoses | | methylene chloride or other halogenated hydrocarbon sol- |
| for damage or wear. Be certain dispensing device is clean and | | vents which may react and explode. |
| in proper working condition. | | | S Check pump motor section, fluid caps, manifolds and all |
| WARNING | STATIC SPARK. Can cause explosion resulting in | | wetted parts to assure compatibility before using with solvents |
| severe injury or death. Ground pump and pumping system. | | of this type. | | Verify the chemical compatibility of the pump |
S Sparks can ignite flammable material and vapors. | | CAUTION | |
S | The pumping system and object being sprayed must be | | wetted parts and the substance being pumped, flushed or re- |
| grounded when it is pumping, flushing, recirculating or spray- | | circulated. Chemical compatibility may change with tempera- |
| ing flammable materials such as paints, solvents, lacquers, | | ture and concentration of the chemical(s) within the |
| etc. or used in a location where surrounding atmosphere is | | substances being pumped, flushed or circulated. For specific |
| conducive to spontaneous combustion. Ground the dispens- | | fluid compatibility, consult the chemical manufacturer. |
| ing valve or device, containers, hoses and any object to which | | | | Maximum temperatures are based on mechani- |
| | CAUTION | |
| material is being pumped. | | | | cal stress only. Certain chemicals will significantly reduce |
S Use the pump grounding screw terminal provided. Use AROR | |
| maximum safe operating temperature. Consult the chemical |
| part no. 66885-1 ground kit or connect a suitable ground wire | | manufacturer for chemical compatibility and temperature lim- |
| (12 ga. minimum) to a good earth ground source. | |
| | its. Refer to PUMP DATA on page 1 of this manual. |
S Secure pump, connections and all contact points to avoid | |
| CAUTION | | Be certain all operators of this equipment have |
| vibration and generation of contact or static spark. | | |
| | been trained for safe working practices, understand it’s limita- |
S Consult local building codes and electrical codes for specific | |
| tions and wear safety goggles / equipment when required. |
| grounding requirements. | | | |
S After grounding, periodically verify continuity of electrical path | | CAUTION | Do not use the pump for the structural support of |
| the piping system. Be certain the system components are |
| to ground. Test with an ohmmeter from each component (e.g., | |
| hoses, pump, clamps, container, spray gun, etc.) to ground to | | properly supported to prevent stress on the pump parts. |
| insure continuity. Ohmmeter should show 0.1 ohms or less. | S Suction and discharge connections should be flexible connec- |
S Submerse the outlet hose end, dispensing valve or device in | | tions (such as hose), not rigid piped, and should be compatible |
| the material being dispensed if possible. (Avoid free streaming | | with the substance being pumped. |
| of material being dispensed.) | | | | CAUTION | | Prevent unnecessary damage to the pump. Do |
S Use hoses incorporating a static wire. | | | | not allow pump to operate when out of material for long periods |
S | Use proper ventilation. | | | | of time. | | | |
S Keep inflammables away from heat, open flames and sparks. | S Disconnect air line from pump when system sits idle for long |
S Keep containers closed when not in use. | | periods of time. |
| WARNING | Pump exhaust may contain contaminants. Can | | CAUTION | Use only genuine ARO replacement parts to as- |
| cause severe injury. Pipe exhaust away from work area and per- | | | | | |
| | sure compatible pressure rating and longest service life. |
| sonnel. | | | | | | Replacement warning labels are available upon |
| | | | NOTICE | |
S In the event of a diaphragm rupture, material can be forced out | | | | | |
| request: “Static Spark” (93616-1) & “Diaphragm Rupture” |
| of the air exhaust muffler. | | | |
| | | (93122). | | | |
S Pipe the exhaust to a safe remote location when pumping haz- | | | |
| | | | |
| ardous or inflammable materials. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
S Use a grounded 3/4” minimum i.d. hose between the pump and | | | = Hazards or unsafe practices which could | |
| the muffler. | | | | | | result in severe personal injury, death or | |
| WARNING | HAZARDOUS PRESSURE. Can result in serious | | | | substantial property damage. | |
| injury or property damage. Do not service or clean pump, | | | = Hazards or unsafe practices which could | |
| | CAUTION | |
| hoses or dispensing valve while the system is pressurized. | | | | result in minor personal injury, product or | |
S Disconnect air supply line and relieve pressure from the sys- | | | | property damage. | |
| tem by opening dispensing valve or device and / or carefully | | | | = Important installation, operation or | |
| and slowly loosening and removing outlet hose or piping from | | NOTICE | | |
| | | | maintenance information. | |
| pump. | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |