lNever apply excessive pressure by a holding device which may cause distortion of a part.

lApply pressure evenly to parts which have a press fit.

lApply even pressureto the bearing race that will be press fitted to the mating part.

lUse correct tools and fixtures when servicing this tool. l Don’t damage “O”rings when servicing tool.

l Use only genuine AROreplacement parts for this tool. When or- dering, specifypart number, description, tool model number and serial number.


-Remove stop ring (37625).

-Loosen set screw (42920) and remove clutch adjustment cap (42125),releasingspring plate (42126).Clutch springs (42133and 42134) con now be removed.

-Remove chuck nut (40490), collet (37431-2),screw (38034) and jaw (40488).

-Remove nut (37635), spring (37632), retaining ring (42140) and stop arm (42138).

-Remove retaining ring (44792) and gear washer (44793). -Remove spindle (40486) with reversing sleeve (44794). -Remove spacer (44802).

-Remove clutch sleeve(44790), clutch driver (42141),clutch plates (42143,42144and 42142) and clutch disc (42145).

-Remove spring cup driver (44797) and spring (42135).

-To disassemble spindle components, removedrive pins (42599) and press spindle (40486) out of reversing sleeve (44794).


-Tapping units are packed with greaseand only need periodic ad-

ditions to maintain proper lubrication. It is suggested that after approximately600 hoursof operation,a small amount (1/4 to 3/4 oz. - 7 to 21g.) of grease33153 be added.This unit must be dis- assembledto apply grease.An excessiveamount of lubricant will create internal frictlon and overheating.

-Thoroughly clean and lubricate all parts requiring lubrication. Do - not get clutch parts wet or oily.

-Assemble clutch plate (42142)on clutch sleeve(44790) with bear- ing (42130).

-Assemble clutch disc (42145), clutch plate (42144),Clutch disc (42145), clutch plate (42143) and clutch disc (42145) to clutch sleeve (44790).

-Line up clutch dogs and assemble to clutch driver (42141).

-Assemble spring (42135) and spring cup driver (44797)into hous- ing, and assemble clutch driver (42141)with clutch plates and clutch sleeve(44790) into housing, insuring that notchesin Clutch driver align with driver pins (42127) in housing.

-Assemble spacer (44802) to housing.

-Press spindle (40486) into reversing sleeve (44794).

-Assemble three drive pins (42599) to spindle and assembleinto housing.

-Assemble gear washer (44793) to housing, securing with retain- ing ring (44792).

-Assemble spring (37632) into spindle (40486) and secure with nut (37635).

-Assemble jaw (40488) to spindle, securing with screw (38034). -Assemble collet (37431-2) to spindle, securing with chuck nut


-Assemble clutch springs (42134and 42133),spring plate (42126), clutch adjusting cap (42125) and stop ring (37625) to housing.

-Assemble stop arm (42138)to tapper, securing with retaining ring (42140).



It is extremely IMPORTANTthat a short arm (such as furnished) be employed with the tapping attachment to assure the best performance of the planetary gear reversing mechanism.

Beforeinstalling the tapping attachment, thoroughly clean the machine spindle. Insert the desired tap into the tap chuck of the attachment so the back jaws will engage the square of the tap. Tighten chuck nut first, then tighten back jaws. This will assure true running of the tap. Thetapping attachment incorporates a spring loaded clutch. Driving torque adjustment is made by tightening or loosening the knurled clutch adjusting cap (42125). When the desired torque has been determined, the cap may be locked in place by tightening set screw (42920). The proper clutch adjusting procedure, when beginning tapping operation, is to loosen adjusting cap until all graduations on housing are visible, then tighten cap progressively until the unit will drive a sharp tap. If a clattering noise is heard during the tapping cycle, it means that the rollers in the units drive spindle have reached a neutral position and are seeking engagement with either the driving or reversing splines. NEVERpermit this clattering to occur, as it will adversely effect the life of the attachment. The correct method of operation is to ad- vance the machine spindle firmly to where the tap enters the hole, the tap then begins to feed itself into the work piece, follow behind with the machine spindle until the desired depth is reached. Lead pressure is not required with this attachment.

The free axial float in the attachment will automatically allow the top to follow its own lead. A SHORT,QUICK,reaction movement of the machine spindle will instantly reversethe top at any time. The tap will return to a right-handed rotation OSsoon OSit is withdrown from the hole. During reversal, retract the machine spindle ahead of the lead of the top but not to the point where you ore pulling against the tap itself. The spring loaded clutch will slip when the top reaches bottom in blind hole tapping. If the clutch slips before the top reaches the desired depth, it is evident that the tap is dull and should be replaced immediately with a sharp tap. THECLUTCHSHOULDNOTBETIGHTENED FURTHERWhen. the clutch releases, a buzzing sound is produced - this is not detrimental to the unit.


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