3. TouchSystem Updates.
TouchON or OFF to let your tabletautomatically checkfor updates.
4. TouchCheck now.
5. Ifan update is available,your tablet displaysthe update version information.Follow the on-
screeninstructionsto install.

Update your apps

1. Onthe home screen, touch ,then Play Store.
2. Touchthe Play St ore menuin the upper-left corner, then touchMy apps.
3. Selectthe app you want to update from themenu on the left under Updates.
Note:Ifthere is no Updates heading, allyour apps are up-to-date.
TouchtheAllow automatic updating checkbox (to let your tablet automatically
updatethe app in the future.
4. Touchthe app to open the app page,then touch UPDA TE.
5. TouchCONTINU EorACCEPTif youagree to the app permissions.Your app is updated.
Change basic settings
Customizesettingson your tablet to fit yourpersonal taste.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT10 10.1 " Wi-Fi Android™Tablet