Leprésent appareil est conformeaux CN R d'Industrie Canadaapplicables aux appareilsradio
exemptsde licence.L'exploitation est autoriséeaux deux conditionssuivantes: (1) l'appareil ne
doitpas produire de brouillage,et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareildoit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectriquesubi,même si le brouillageest susceptibled'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
(i)thedevice for operationin the band 5150-5250MHZ is onlyfor indoor use to reduce the potential
forharmful interference to co-channelmobile satellitesystems;
(i)l'appareil pour fonctionnerdans la bande 5150-5250MHZest uniquementpour un usage
intérieurafin de réduire les risquesd'interférence nuisibleaux systèmes mobilespar satellite co-
(ii)themaximum antennagain permitted for devicesin the band 5725-5825 MHz shallcomply with
thee.i.r.p. limits specifiedfor point-to-point andnon point-to-point operationas appropriate;
(ii)le gain d'antenne maximalautorisé pour les dispositifsfonctionnantdans la bande 5725-5825
MHzdoivent respecter le pirelimites spécifiéespour le point-à-point et l'exploitationnon pointà
point,le cas échéant;
(iii)Usershould also be advisedthat hight-power radars are allocated asprimary users(i.e. priority
users)of the bands 5250-5350 MHz and that theseradars could cause interferenceand/or to LE-
LAN device;
(iii)L'utilisateur doit égalementêtre informé que les radars hight-puissancesont désignéscomme
utilisateursprincipaux(à savoir les utilisateursprioritaires) des bandes5250-5350 MHz et que ces
radarspourraient cause desinterférences et / ou à l'appareil LE-LAN;
RSS-102 StatementThisequipment complieswith Industry Canada radiation exposurelimits set forth for an
Cetéquipement est conforme à l'expositionaux rayonnementsIndustry Canada limites établies
pourun environnement noncontrôlé.
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Certification InformationYourw irelessmobile deviceis a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designedand manufactured
notto exceed the exposurelimits for Radio Frequency( RF) energy setby the Federal
CommunicationsCommission(FCC) of the U. S. Government.
TheseFCC RF exposurelimits are derived from the recommendationsof two expert
organizations:The NationalCouncil on Radiation Protectionand Measurement (NCRP) and the
Instituteof Electrical andE lectronicsEngineers (IEEE). In both cases, the recommendationswere
developedby scientificand engineeringexperts drawn from industry, government,and academia
afterextensive reviewsof the scientific literaturerelated to the biologicaleffects of RF energy.
TheRF exposurelimit set by the FCC for wireless mobile devicesemploys a unit of measurement
knownas the Specific AbsorptionRate (SA R). The SAR is a measure of the rate of absorptionof
RF energyby the human body expressedin units of watts per kilogram (W/kg). The FCC requires
wirelessdevicesto complywith a safety limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram(1.6 W /kg).
TheFCC SAR limit incorporatesa substantial marginof safety to give additionalprotection to the
publicand to accountfor anyvariations in measurements.
SAR testsare conducted using standardoperating positionsaccepted by the FCC with the mobile
devicetransmittingat its highest certified power levelin all tested frequency bands.Although the
SAR is determinedat the highest certifiedpower level, the actualS AR levelof the mobile device
whileoperating can be well below themaximum reported value.T hisis because the mobiledevice
isdesigned to operateat multiple power levels soas to use only the power required to reachthe
network.In general, the closer youare to a wireless base stationantenna, the lower the power
outputof the mobile device.
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