4. Enterthe Netw orkS SID(name),then select the typeof security you want from the drop-
downmenu. You can select:
lNone—No security.
lWEP—Wired EquivalentPrivacy. Note:A password is required.
lWPA/WPA2 PSK—Wi-Fi Protected Access. Note:A password isr equired.
l802.1xE AP—802.1xExtensible AuthenticationProtocol.
Ifyou aren't sure which securitytype to select, see yournetwork setup documentation.
5. TouchSave. Your new network appears in the list of availablenetworks.
SeeCo nnect to a Wi-Fi network (on page28) for connectioninstructions.
1. Onthe home screen, touch ,then Settings.
2. Touch Wi-Fi,then drag the switch to ON. A list of availablenetworks appears.
lSecurednetworks are noted with a lockicon.
lIfyou are connected to a network, "Connected"appears below the network name.
lSignalstrength is notedw ith an iconto ther ightof the network name.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT10 10.1 " Wi-Fi Android™Tablet