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Get startedThissection has resourcesto help you start usingyour tablet right away. You can alsocheck out
Features (on page4) to familiarizeyourself with your new tablet. For moreinformation about
usingand customizingyour tablet, see Understand the basics (on the facing page) and
Change basic settings (on page17).
Whencharging your tablet batteryfor the firsttime, use your tablet until the batteryis completely
empty,then charge it fullybefore using it again.This will help increaseyour battery's efficiencyand
life.After the first time, charge your battery when is lessthan 15% full.
1. Insertthe micro USB cable into your tablet'smicro USB port.
2. Insertthe other end into the AC power adapter, then connectit to a power outlet.
Note:Ittakes about four hours to fullycharge your tablet.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT10 10.1 " Wi-Fi Android™Tablet