Torestart your tablet withoutremoving your stored dataor customized settings,see Restart
your tablet (on page10).
1. Connectyour tablet to a power outlet.
2. Onthe home screen, touch ,then Settings.
3. UnderPE RSONAL,touch Backup &reset.
4. TouchFactory data reset, then Reset tablet.
5. Waitfor your tablet to reset, then go through the initialsetup again. See Turn on your
tablet for the fir st time (on page9) for more information.

What should Ido ifthe display freezes or does n otresp ond?

lPressand hold the buttonfor 10 seconds to turn off your tablet,then turn it back on.
lUsea paper clip to press Reset on the back of your tablet.

What should I do ifIcannot turn on my tablet?

lConnectthe charger and checkthe battery level on the screen.Make sure that the batteryis
fullycharged. If the batteryis too low, your tablet will not turn on. Connectyour tablet to the
poweradapter and fully charge the battery.

Can I open Microsoft Officeand PDF files on my tablet?

lYoucan purchase and download third partyapplications to read these files.

What should I do if my tablet won't recognize the microSD™ c ard?

lMakesure that you haveinserted a certified microSD card.
lMakesure that you haveinserted a microSD card correctly andsecurely.
lWiththe micoSD card inserted, turn off yourtablet, then turn it back on.
lMakesure that youare attempting to view yourfiles in the correctlocation on your tablet.Go
toa file management app,such as the Gallery app,to view your files.

What should I do if Ican't access the web?

lCheckthe wireless signalindicator in the statusbar at the top of the screen. If there is no
signal,you are not connected.
lMakesure that Wi-Fi is turned on. See Connect to a Wi-Fi network (on p age28).
lMakesure that you selectthe right network and enter the correctpassword. See Connect
to a Wi-Fi network (on page28).

What should Ido ifthere is no sound coming from my tablet?

lIflistening through headphones,unplug andr econnectyour headphones.Make sure that
theconnector is pushedin all the way.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT10 10.1 " Wi-Fi Android™Tablet