NS-D9500 Overhead Video Player

Selecting a subtitle language


This function only works with DVDs.

To select a subtitle language:

Press the SUB-Tbutton one or more times. The available languages vary depending on the DVD.

Selecting a DVD title

To select a DVD title:

Press the TITLE button to open the DVD title menu. The available titles vary depending on the DVD.

Searching on a disc

To search on a DVD:

To fast-forward, press the FF button one or more times. Each time you press the button the fast forward speed changes from 2×, to 4×, to 8×, to

16×, to 32×. Press the button again to resume normal playback.

To fast-reverse, press the FR button one or more times. Each time you press the button the fast reverse speed changes from 2×, to 4×, to

8×, to 16×, to 32×. Press the button again to resume normal playback.
