Insignia NS-LCD32 LCD TV
About After-Image
The extended use of a fixed image program can
cause a permanent after-image (also known as
burn-in) on the screen. This background image
is viewable on normal programs in the form of a
stationary fixed image. This irreversible screen
damage can be limited by doing the following:
• Reduce the brightness/contrast setting to a
minimum viewing level.
• Do not display the fixed image for extended
periods of time.
• Turn the power to the television off when not
in actual use.
Cleaning and Maintenance
To clean this television, wipe with a soft, dry
cloth. If the surfaces are extremely dirty, use a
soft cloth dipped in a soap and water solution or
a weak detergent solution.
• Use eyeglass cleaner to remov e stubborn dirt
from the screen.
• Never use alcohol, paint thinner, or benzine
to clean this television.
• Before using a chemically treated cloth, read
the instructions that came with the cloth
If, after reading these operating instructions, y ou
have additional questions related to the use of
your television, call the service center.
Before calling service, check the symptoms and
follow the suggested solutions.
• Do not allow a still picture to be displa yed f or an
extended period, as this can cause a
permanent after-image to remain on the
Examples of still pictures include logos, video
games, computer images, teletext, and images
displayed in 4:3 mode.
• The permanent after-image on the screen
resulting from fixed image use is not an
operating def ect and as such is not covered by
the warranty.
• This television is not designed to display fixed
images for extended periods of time.
Catego ry Probl em Possible Soluti on
control Remote control
does not
• The batte r ies may be we ak.
Replac e the batteries.
• Check the orientation of t he
• Make sure the power cord is
plugged in.
Remot e cont rol
does not
operate other
• If you replaced the batteries
to the remote recently, the
code numb ers for the video
equipment may need to be
• There may be more than one
code for the equi pm e nt that
you are attempting to
• There is a possibility that this
equipment can only be
operated by its original
remote control.
Vid e o and
Audio No picture
(scre e n is not
No sound
• Make sure that the power
cord i s plugged in.
• Press POWER on the
television or on th e remote
• Try another channel. It could
be stat ion trou ble.
Dark, poor, or
no pict ure
(screen is lit)
Good so und
• Select a different picture
• Adjust the brightness in the
video set ting.
• Check the antenna/cab le
No color/dark
pictur e/color Is
not correct
• Adjust the color saturation in
the vi de o sett in g.
Only snow and
noise appear on
the screen
• Check the antenna/cab le
• Try another channel. It could
be stat ion trou ble.
Dotted lin e s or
stripes • Adjust the a ntenna.
• Move the television away
from noise sources such as
cars, neon signs, or hair
Double images • Use a highly di rectional
outdoor antenna or a cable
televi sion provider.
Black box on
screen • You have selected a text
option and no text is
available. Turn off th e Close
Caption feature or select a
differe nt op tio n.
Good pi cture,
no sound • The sound may be muted.
Press MUTE again to cancel.
• Make sure that the stereo
mode is set to stereo or
Audio noise • Communicati on proble m s
may occur if infrared
communication equipment
(such as infrared cordless
headphones) is used near
the t el evision. Mo v e t he
infrared commun ication
equipment away fro m the
televis ion until the no is e is
Genera l One or more
channels can't
be displayed
• These channels may be
locked. Use the parental
contro ls t o unlock them.
• These cha nnels may be set
to Not Viewable in the
channel list. Set the channel
to Viewable or select the
channel with the 0-9 number
Lost pas sword • Use the super password
(1397) to access the
Password S et menu and set
a new password as desired.
Write down your new
Some item s
can't be
• If a setting option appe a rs i n
gray, this indi cate s that the
settin gs option is unavailab le
in cur rent input mode .