Insignia NS-P4112 Portable CD Player


ProblemPossible causeSolution









No sound.

Your CD player does

Replace the batteries or make


not have power.

sure that the optional AC/DC



power cord is plugged into



your CD player and a AC



power outlet.











Playback has not

Press the










been started.















The volume is set

Increase the volume.


too low.














A CD is inserted, but

The CD is inserted

Make sure that the CD is

tracks are not

upside down.

inserted with the label side up.









The CD is dirty.

Clean the CD.












The CD is scratched

Use a different CD.


or warped.















Moisture has formed

Remove the CD and leave the


inside the CD

CD door open for about an



hour to dry.










Certain sections of a

The CD is dirty.

Clean the CD.


CD do not play








The CD is scratched.

Skip over the scratched



sections, or replace the CD.