Configuration Worksheet
Get information from your telephone company for your type of connection
General for all connection types |
| |
Framing format |
µ ESF | µ D4 |
Terminal unit |
µ remote end | µ central end |
Line Speed: _______kbps |
| |
Channel Usage |
µ Continuous | µ Custom | µ Alternate (Odd) µ Alternate (Even) | |
For Frame Relay connections only |
| |
LMI Type (DLCMI) |
µ Annex D | µ Annex A | µ LMI (Cisco) | µ None |
Connection Name: _________________________ |
| ||
Local DLCI (between 16 and 991): _____________ |
| ||
For X.25 connections only |
| |
Packet Size: |
µ 128 | µ 256 | µ 512 | µ 1024 |
Window Size (between 1 and 7): ______
µOnly use PVCs (Permanent Virtual Circuits)
µUse PVCs and SVCs (Switched Virtual Circuits) Lowest
θ Enable Flow Control
Connection Name (define your own): _________________________
Connection Type
µPVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit) Logical Channel Number: _____
µSVC (Switched Virtual Circuit)
Local X.25 Address: _________________
Remote X.25 Address: _______________