Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product Guide
Exit Menu
Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit
Exit Saving Changes
Exit Discarding Changes
Load Optimal Defaults
Load Custom Defaults
Save Custom Defaults
Discard Changes
m o | Select Screen |
n p | Select Item |
Enter | Select ‾ |
F1 | General Help |
P9 | Setup Defaults |
F10 | Save and Exit |
ESC | Exit |
The menu shown in Table 33 is used to exit the BIOS Setup program, saving changes, and loading and saving defaults.
Table 33. Exit Menu
Exit Saving Changes
Exit Discarding Changes
Load Optimal Defaults
Load Custom Defaults
Save Custom Defaults
Exits and saves the changes in CMOS SRAM.
Exits without saving any changes made in the BIOS Setup program.
Loads optimal defaults.
Loads the custom defaults for Setup options.
Saves the current values as custom defaults. Normally, the BIOS reads the Setup values from flash memory. If this memory is corrupted, the BIOS reads the custom defaults. If no custom defaults are set, the BIOS reads the factory defaults.
Discard Changes
Discards changes without exiting Setup. The option values present when the computer was turned on are used.