mP4G/mP4GL Series Motherboard

Drive Connectors

There are three drive connectors on the motherboard for connecting IDE and floppy disk drives.

IDE Drive Connectors

Function: The two IDE connectors, marked ‘Primary’ and ‘Secondary’, are for connecting IDE drives to the motherboard.

Description: The IDE controller on the motherboard supports IDE devices running in all modes up through ATA-

100.There are two IDE drive connectors. Each connec- tor supports two drives, a ‘Master’ and a ‘Slave’ which connect to the motherboard with a ribbon cable. The supplied cable supports transfer modes through ATA-100.

More Information: See the section on “Connecting Internal Peripherals” in Chapter 5 for instructions on connecting IDE drives. Technical specifications are listed in Chapter 7.

IDE Drive Connectors


The channels are labeled on the board.

Primary IDE1

Secondary IDE2


User’s Manual