Inter-Tel® Model 8520 User Guide
ADJUSTING YOUR ENDPOINT’S LCD CONTRASTSome endpoints have a contrast control wheel that allows you to manually adjust the
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) contrast. This wheel is located on the back of the end-
point and can be adjusted while viewing the LCD screen.
For endpoints that do not have a contrast control wheel, you can use a feature code
and the volume buttons to adjust the contrast on the LCD.
Depending on the type of display your endpoint has, you can adjust the contrast on
your LCD using one of the following methods. When you adjust the contrast on the
LCD, the endpoint must be in an idle state.
To adjust your endpoint’s LCD contrast: (using the contrast control wheel):
1. While viewing the LCD screen, locate the contrast control wheel on the back,
upper-right section of the endpoint.
2. Adjust the contrast of the LCD screen by turning the wheel clockwise (lighter)
or counterclockwise (darker).
To adjust your endpoint’s LCD contrast: (using a feature code):
1. With the handset in the cradle, dial .
2. Adjust the contrast level of the LCD screen by one of the following meth ods:
EITHER, Use the volume button ( = darker, = lighter).
OR, Press a number on the dialpad (1=lightest through 8=darkest) that corre-
sponds to your desired contrast level.
3. Accept and save the contrast level by one of the following methods:
EITHER, Press .
OR, Lift and replace the handset.
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