Invacare® Spree XT Wheelchair
Invacare® Spree XT Wheelchair
Spree XT – It’s Kid Cool
•Spree’s hot decal shouts fun. Designed in bright yellow and orange, other kids will notice that this pediatric wheelchair is the coolest around.
•Invacare color options have become an expression of independence. Electrify the XT with one of four candy colors, choose from two different chameleon colors or go with one of the six additional hues.
•Get closer to peer level with the Spree XT. Front
Spree XT – Get up and GO!
Notice we didn’t say stay at home. Spree products are made to pack up and go.
•Lightest weight pediatric folding tilt wheelchair available.
•Compact footprint – exceptional maneuverability.
•Pinchless folding crossbraces are only available on the XT. Crossbraces with locking pins can very easily catch your fingers when unfolding the chair. The Spree XT eliminates this possibility.
•Handy nylon folding strap makes it easy to fold the chair after removing the seating system. Simply pull up on strap to disengage the folding crossbrace.
Spree XT – Go, Grow and TRO!
Two of the most important requirements of a pediatric folding tilt wheelchair, from the clinical perspective, are the ability to grow the chair with the child and to safely transport the child to and from school. Spree meets both requirements.
•Growable depth frames. Choose from one of two seat rail depths
•Growable width crossbraces on the Spree XT grow from
•Growable length, locking cantilever arm option lengthens as you grow the chair in depth. They fold up and out of the way so you don’t have to remove them when you transport the chair, and they work great with lap trays.
• Transport Ready Option (TRRO) is a no charge option on the Spree XT.* The Spree XT with its KSS seating system meets today's ANSI/RESNA
•Optimal tilt pivot position adjustable for smooth and easy tilt operation.
•Discrete tilt trigger lockout levers help prevent people, especially children, from “accidentally” disengaging the tilt mechanisms.
•Crossed tilt actuating cables prevent jamming and twisting of seating system and eliminate danger of
*The TRRO Transport Ready Option on the Spree XT order form includes the Spree XT, transport brackets, and a wheelchair
anchored pelvic belt. The KSS seating system must also be purchased with this option at an additional charge. No seating system is included in the base price of the wheelchair.
**Invacare has not performed testing using any other seating systems. If seating systems other than the KSS seating system are used, the
“Cool” 4"
Pinchless folding crossbraces and nylon strap.
Crossbraces adjust in 1" increments.
The Spree XT is compact and portable.