Track Back - Tap once to restart currently playing track. Tap twice to play
previous track.
Track Forward - Tap once to play next track.
Play/Pause / - Tap to pause or to begin/resume current track.
Stop -Tap to stop the song currently playing.
Tap the Playback Mode icon to cycle through the different options:
Single Play - Plays the current track.
Repeat Song - Repeats the current track.
Shuffle - All music or audio files will playback randomly and will only stop when
the Pause button ( ) is tapped.
Play Current List - All music or audio files will playback sequentially.
Repeat Current List - All music or audio files will playback in sequence and will
only stop when the Pause button ( ) is tapped.
Media Playback - Movie/Video Files (iPod®/iPhone®/iPad®)
Playing a Movie or Video File: 1.
Locate the movie file that you would like to play. a.
Tap the file name and the file will begin playing automatically. b.