Jabra bt2080
2. During the use of this product:
- Keep the volume at the lowest level possible and avoid using
the headset in noisy environments where you may be inclined
to turn up the volume;
- If increased volume is necessary, adjust the volume control slowly;
- ringing in the ears may indicate that the sound levels are too
- If you experience discomfort or ringing in your ears,
immediately discontinue using the headset and consult
a physician; and
- Stop using the headset if it causes great discomfort.
With continued use at high volume, your ears may become
accustomed to the sound level, which may result in permanent
damage to your hearing without any noticeable discomfort.
sAFetY InFoRmAtIon!
- Use of a headset will impair you ability to hear other sounds.
Use caution while using your headset when you are engaging
in any activity that requires your full attention.
- If you have a pace maker or other electrical medical devices,
you should consult your physician before using this device.
- this package contains small parts that may be hazardous to
children and should be kept out of reach from children. the
bags themselves or the many small parts they contain may
cause choking if ingested.
Never try to dismantle the product yourself. None of the components
can be replaced or repaired by users. Only authorized dealers
or service centers may open the product. If any parts of your
product require replacement for any reason, including normal
wear and tear or breakage, contact your dealer.
- avoid exposing you product to rain, moisture or other liquids
to protect against damage to the product or injury to you.
- If this product has ear tips, the ear tips should rest against, but
not enter the ear canal.