2. Lift the front ofthe drawer to clear thestops.,.... _ .................
3. Graspthedraweron thesides and pull it out the rest of theYour compactor won't operate
way.Set thedrawerdowngently.__ .........................
•Isthe power supplycord unplugged?
• Hasa householdfuse or circuitbreaker tripped?
- Isthedrawer completely closed?
Closethe drawerfirmly and start the compactor again.
•Isthe Key-Knob turned all theway to START?
4.Vacuumthe insideofthecabinet,Liquidspillsor wet trash Turnthe Key-Knob (Key-Switch)fullyto STARTandrelease
shouldbe cleaned up byhand, or by using a vacuum (onsomemodels),Seethe "Starting YourCompactor"
designedto pickup liquids, section.
•Didyou press ONbefore pressingSTART?
PressONbefore pressing START(on some models).Seethe
"StartingYour Compactor" section.
Thedrawer won't open
•Isthe ram all the way up?
Drawerwill openonlywhen ram is fully raised.
• Toraise theram on models with eKey-Knob(orKey-
5. Washtheinsideof the cabinetwith clean sponge orsoft Switch):
cloth anda mild detergent in warm water.Rinseand dry TurntheKey-Knob (Key-Switch)to STARTandrelease.See
thoroughlyw(th a softcloth, the "Starting YourCompactor" section.
6.Toreplacethe drawer, graspit bythesidesand insertthe • Toraise the ram onmodels with pushbuttoncontrols:
rollersontothetracks. PressOFF,andthenpressON.See the"StartingYour
7. Liftthefrontof thedrawerandpushitin fullypast thestops.Compactor"section.
Cleaningthe Ram Thereisnotenoughcompactionorforce
NOTE:Youmaywantto wearprotectiveglovesastheremay be•Doyou use the compactingcycle frequentlyenough?
bitsofglass ontheramcover.Compactingworksbestwhenonlyafewitems areloaded.
1. Wipeglassparticlesoffoftheramcoverwith a clothorpaper ............................
towels. Bottlesdon't break
2, Removefoodswithacleansponge orsoft clothanda mild
detergentinwarmwater.Rinseand drythoroughlywitha soft • How often do younotice this?
L._ glassandthe content ofthe trash load belowit may preyer
the bottlefrom breaking,
Ifyou willbe awayfor morethanacoupleof days,removethe
itc°mpact°rbag. RemovetheKey-Knob(or Key-Switch)andstOreoutof children'sreach._1_ _ _
TROUBLESHOOTING Thesecodesindicatewhichtypeofplasticwasused
Trythesolutions suggestedhere first In orderto avoid the recycling.
cost of an unnecessaryservice call,
• Isthe drawer lessthan half full? OTHER
Drawermustbe more than halffull before trashis Plasticswiththissymbolcannotberecycled,