compactingcycle iscomplete, remove the plastic bag as shown
in"Removing afilled bag" and return itto storage until it is full
enoughto recycle.
Remember,compactingboth recyclablssand non-
Itemswiththissymbolcanberecycledorweremade recyclablesmeans lesssolid waste and waste transportation
fromrecycledmaterials,costs--and a betterenvironmentfor all,
Acompactor makes recyclingand landfill reductionefforts
moreeffective and efficient.Reduce- Reuse- Recycle
Recycling Guidelines
Contact yourcommunity recycling program or localrecycling ASSISTANCEORSERVICE
organizationstofind outwhich itemsare accepted for recycling
andhow they should be preparedand organized.TheseBefore callingfor assistanceorservice, please check
programswill provide essentialrecycling guidelines: "Troubleshooting."It may saveyouthe cost of a service call. If
• Methodandfrequency of collection--curbside collections youstill need help,follow the instructions below.
anddrop-off centers. Whencalling, pleaseknow the purchase dateand the complete
modeland serialnumber of your appliance.This informationwill
Categoriesof recyclable items,and how to distinguish help usto better respond to your request.
betweenthem.Plasticcontainers areidentified by codes on
the bottom.Sort by the numbersinsidethe triangular arrows.
Forexample, most plastic sodabottlesandsome cleaning _'_ ::_._...---_,.,,,_............_..__,_
bottleshave code 1; most milk and water jugs, laundryand
personalhygieneproduct containers have cede2.Paper and If the problemisnot due to one of theitems listedin the
cardboardcontainers (paperboard)also haverecycle "TroubleshootJrlg"section.,.
symbolsto indicateacontainerisrecyclable. Callthe dealerfrom whom your appliance was purchased,or ca
• Preparationsof recyclable items.Mostrecycling programs Maytag ApplianceSalesCompany,Jenn-Air Customer
providespecificguidelinesonpreparation. For example, Assistanceat 1-800-688-1100 or 1-423-472-3333 to locate an
aluminumcansand plastic containers need to be rinsedout, authorized servicecompany.When calling, pleaseknow the
lidsremoved, but often labelscan be left on. purchasedate and the complete modeland serialnumber ofyo_
IMPORTANT:appliance.Besureto retainproof of purchaseto verifywarrant_
Someitems,such as glass,shouldnot be compacted.
• Mostrecycfingprogramswill not accept crushedglass, writeto:
• Checkwith your recyclingprogramfor specific guidelineson Jenn-Air CustomerService
preparingrecyclabtes, Attn."CAIR"_Center
.......................................................................................................... P.O.Box2370
Organizingthe Recycling Workspace Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
Convenientrecyclebinsaremadetofitinthe compactor drawer.Web address:www.jennair,com
Thesebins,aswellas plasticcompactorbags,can bepurchased Orcall: 1-800-688-1100.
ina variety ofcolorsat hardwarestoresand supermarkets.Set U.S.customersusingTTYfor deaf, hearingimpaired orspeecl
upasystemof color-coded bagsin an areachosenfor impaired,call: 1-800-688-2080 (Monday-Friday,8:00 a.m.-8:01
processingrecyclables.Eachcolorcan representa category of
recyclableitems,based on types specified by yourrecycling p.m.EasternTime).
program.Separaterecyclable items from non-recyctableitems: NOTE:Whenwriting or callingabout a service problem, pleas
includethe following information:
• Recyclableitemscanbe sortedusingthe color-coded bags.
Prepareitems accordingto guidelines providedby your 1. Yourname,addressand daytime telephone number.
recyclingprogram.2. Appliancemodel number and serial number.
• Non-recyclableitemsshould becompacted because3. Nameand address of your dealer or servicer.
compactionreduces trash volume to itsoriginalsize: four 4. A clear description of the problem you arehaving.
bagsof trashcan be compacted into one bag.This 5. Proofof purchase (salesreceipt).
contributestoreducinglandfillvolumeandrelatedwaste A_Ispecificationsaresubjectto changebymanufacturerwith
REMEMBER:Do notexpect itemswhichcontainminimalair,
suchasfolded newspapers,to compact significantly.._......._.- __•_,_. _
Compacl_tlgRecyclableIleiTisTo order a color-matchedtrim kit for the installationof a oust
.................................................................................................. madepanel, contact your localauthorizeddealer.
Mostrecycling programswant the consumertocrush orflattenReplacement Bags - Callfor Part Number
recyclableitems such as plastics,cans,and paperboard.
Compactingrecyclabieitemsconsolidatesvolumeand thereby TrimKitsfor Custom Front Panels:
reducestransportationcosts--and also helpsmanagerecycling Order Part #TCDW(Trimkit for custommade panel)
workspacemore effectively.The compactor(s ideal for such aOrder Part#TCBS(Stainlesssteel door panel)
task.When a plastic bag isfull enough torequirecompacting,
placethebag in the drawer as shownin "Installing anew bag."
Thenfollowinstructionsin "UsingYourCompactor." Whenthe