Your safetyand the safety of othersare very important.

Wehave providedmany importantsafety messages inthis manual and onyour appliance. Always readand obey all
This is the safety alert symbol.
This symbolalerts you to potentialhazardsthat can kill or hurtyou and others.
Allsafety messages will followthe safetyalert symboland either the word "DANGER"or
"WARNING."Thesewords mean:
You can be killed or seriously injured ifyou don't
ADANGER immediately follow instructions.
Youcan be killed or seriously injured ifyou don't
AWARNING follow instructions.
All safety messageswill tell you what the potential hazardis, tell you how to reduce the chanceof injury,and tell you
whatcan happen if the instructionsare not followed.


WARNING: When using anelectrical appliance, basicprecautions should always be followed, includingthe
Readall instructions before using the compactor. Donot compact toxic or volatile flammable material
such asoily rags andinsect sprays. Do not compact
Closesupervision is necessary whenused by or lighted cigarettes,cigars, or other hot or burning
nearchildren.Do not allow to be used as atoy, or
to run unattended at any time. Lock Key Switch items.Do not overload the compactor.
when not in useand store key out ofreach of Donot take apartthe compactor, incorrect
children, reassemblycan cause electric shock when
Do not touch movingparts,subsequently used.
Handlea loadedtrash bag with care. Sharp objects
Do not operate with a damaged cord set, plug,
motor,or after damage in any manner. Havethe can pierce the bag and cause injury. Do not
overloadtrash bag with heavy materialsuch as
compactor examined, repaired or adjusted by an
authorized serviceperson,glass.
Useonly for intendeduse as describedin this Thiscompactor is intended for householduse only.
manual.Do not use other than manufacturer's
recommended attachments.