COMPACTOR IExcessive Weigh,Hazard
Use two or more people to move and install
IMPORTANT: compactor.
Installer:LeaveUseand CareGuidewith thehomeowner.Failure to do so can result inback or other injury.
Homeowner: KeepUseandCare Guide for future referenceand
for localelectrical inspector'suse, if required.4. Placetheother two corner posts onthe floor to the side of
thecompactor.Grasp the sides of the compactor cabinet ant
_._,.._,_,_-_..:._%_"_-.- ,.:__'_'._._._-,_-_,o.-__..-_.o_. put compactoron its side ontop of the corner posts.Remow
- -_"_ .... the shippingbase from the bottom of the compactor.
Do not graspconsoleto movecompactor. _._
Beginin the roomwhere the compactorwill be located. _"_i_
1. Removecompactorfromshippingcarton.Removeall
protectivepackagingmaterialssuchas tape andshipping
warmwaterto remove waxyresiduecausedby protective __ \,Jl
shippingmaterial.Dry thoroughly with a soft cloth. For more
information,see the "CleaningYour Compactor"section.
2.Checktobe surethe power cord isattached to the cordclip
onthe rear of the compactor. 1,Levelinglegs
1.................._ __',_'._'_'_e'__'__:_'_._::_"_'_,_"_'_:
Check thelocationwhere your compactor will be installed.Th
cabinetopeningshould besquare. Youshould beable tofully
openthe compactor drawer. Allow6 in. (15,2 cm) of clearancec
theright side of thecompacter drawer toremovecompactor ha!
Allow 23 in. (58.4cm) in frontof the compactor to remove the
3. Placethetwocornerpostsfromthecartononthe floor near- _- _/-_
thecompactor.Open thecompactor drawer and removeany [_--
shippingmaterialsorother itemsfrom thedrawer. Donot
removethecompactor bag. Graspthe handleand raisethe
frontofdrawer until it clearsthedrawerstops. Graspsides of
drawerand lift drawerout of compactor. Place the draweron
thetwo corner posts.