
Inserting and Ejecting a Disc

Insert a disc, label-side up, into the disc slot (22). The unit will automatically draw the disc in
and play the first track on the disc, whether the power was turned on or not.
Press the eject button (20) to stop disc play and eject the disc. The unit does not have to be
on to eject the disc.

Controlling Disc Playback

Selecting Tracks
Press the TUNE/SEEK >>| (19) or TUNE/SEEK |<< button (18) to advance to the next track on
the disc. The selected track number will appear on the display. Press and hold the TUNE/
SEEK >>| or |<< button to fast forward or fast reverse through the disc. Disc play starts when
the button is released.
Play/Pause Disc Playback
Press the 1/>|| button (8) to suspend disc play. Press the 1/>|| button again to resume disc
Previewing Tracks
Press the 2/INT button (6) to play the first 10 seconds of each track sequentially. Press 2/INT
again to stop Intro Scan and resume normal play at the current track.
Repeat Play
Press the 3/RPT button (5) during disc play to repeat the current track.
Press and hold the 3/RPT button to repeat the current folder.
•Press 3/RPT again to stop repeat play.
Random Play
Press the 4/RDM button (7) during disc play to play all tracks in random, shuffled order.
Press and hold the 4/RDM button to randomly play all files in the current folder.
•Press 4/RDM again to stop random play.
Folder Navigation (MP3 Only)
Press the 5/DN button (9) to select folder down.
Press the 6/UP button (10) to select folder up.

MP3 Playback

Notes on MP3 Playback
Any directory that does not include an MP3 file is skipped
Maximum number of folders: 512 (including skipped directories)
Maximum number of folder levels: 12
Maximum number of MP3 files: 999
Maximum number of characters for MP3 file name and folder name: 32
Sampling frequency: 16KHz, 22.05KHz, 24KHz, 32KHz, 44.1KHz, 48KHz
Bit rates: maximum 384 Kbps
Maximum number of Characters of ID3 Tag:
ID3 Tag version 1.0: 32
ID3 Tag version 2.x: 32
File Playing Order
When selected for play, files and folders (Folder Search, File Search or Folder Select) are
accessed in the order they were written by the CD writer. As a result, the order in which they
are expected to be played may not match the order in which they are actually played. You may
be able to set the order in which MP3/WMA are to be played by writing them onto a medium
such as a CD-R with their file names beginning with play sequence numbers such as "01" to
For example, a medium with the following folder/file hierarchy is subject to Folder Search, File
Search and playback order as shown below.
11 612
22 18 20