T his model provides a n a uxilia ry a udio s igna l input for connecting a n externa l a udio device .
Y ou ma y connect a n a udio ca ble with 3 . 5 mm s tereo plug (included) to the A U X IN J a ck loca ted o n the back of the ma in unit or o n t h e b a c k of the docking c r a d l e . C onnect the other end of the ca ble to the L ine O ut J a ck or H ea dphone J a ck of your MP 3 pla yer, C D pla yer a nd other
1 . C onnecting a n a udio ca ble with 3 . 5 mm s tereo plug to the A U X IN J a ck on the model. T wo options a re a va ila ble for the s ys tem s
(a ) Directly connect the a udio ca ble from a n externa l a udio device to the A U X IN ja ck loca ted o n the ba ck of the ma in unit.
3 . 5mm
S tereo plug
E xterna l Audio Device
N o te: In this method, your iP od docking cradle ca nnot used or connected to ma in unit.
(b)C onnect a n a udio ca ble from a n externa l a udio device to the A U X IN ja ck loca ted o n the ba ck of the docking cradle.
(1)S lide the A u dio Inpu t S elec tor s witch to A U X IN pos ition.
(2)Insert the " Dock C over" (included) into the cradle to create a holder for your player.
(3)Small portable players can now be placed in the cradle without damaging the iPod connector.
E xterna l Audio Device
3 . 5mm
S tereo plug
2 . C onnect the other end of the ca ble to the L ine O utJ a ck or H ea dphone J a ck of your externa l a udio device .
3 . T urn on the externa l a udio device .
4 . T he volume level ca n now be controlled using the ma in unit.
O pera te a ll other functions on the attached a uxilia ry device a s your normally would.
N o te:
(1)If your connected using the L ine O ut J a ck of your externa l device, then you can only a djus t the volume using the JiSS - 550 control . If your connected usingtheH ea dphone J a ck of your externa l device, then you ma y need to a djus t both the volume controls
(2)P res s the O N /S T A N DB Y button to turn off the unit when you finis h lis tening. Don't forget to s witch off the power of your externa l device a s well.
T his unit provides a seperate s ubwoofer output j a c k for connecting a n externa l a ctive (s
-Do not subject the unit to excessive force, shock, dust or extreme temperature.
-Do not tamper the internal components of the unit.
- C lean your unit with a damp (never wet) cloth. S olvent or detergent should never be used.
-Avoid leaving your unit in direct sunlight or in hot, humid or dusty places .
-K eep your unit away from heating appliances and sources of electrical noise such as fluorescent lamps or motors .