Resaw Guide
For resawing attach the post (A, Fig. 13) to
fence with the lock knob (B, Fig. 13). There is a
slotted hole in the fence that will accom modate
the resaw kit. Position the post so that it is
centered with the front edge of the blade.
Miter Gauge
1. Place the miter gauge in the tabl e slot.
2. With a square verif y the miter gauge face is
square to the blade.
3. If the miter gauge is not square to the bl ade
loosen the lock knob (C, Fig. 13) and adjust
to the proper setting. Tightenthe lock knob.
4. If the pointer is not at 90 degrees, loosen
the screw (D, Fig. 13) holding the pointer
and move the pointer to 90 degrees.
Tilting the Table
1. Disconnect the machine from the power
source, unplug.
2. Loosen the lock knobs (E, Fig. 14).
3. Tilt table up to 45 degr eest o the right, or up
to 10 degrees to the left.
4. Tighten the lock knobs.
Note: Table stop bolt (F, Fig. 14) must be
Height Scale Adjustment
1. Disconnect the machine from the power
source, unplug.
2. The upper bearing guide shoul d be set
about 1/8” above the material to be cut .
3. Measure from the table top to the bottom of
the bearing guides.
4. Set the indicator to this measurement on the
height scale. Grasp the end of the indi cator
(G, Fig. 15) between your finger, and thum b.
Move the indicator into positi on.