Dishwashers require the use of a detergent and possibly a rinse additive. The detergent
must be of commercial strength to work in the unit’s short cycle. The rinse additive will
help the water to sheet on the glasses and plates, acting as a drying agent.
The products are a Sodium Hydroxide for the detergent and a surfactant isopropanol for
the rinse. Quantities will vary with water quality but as a guideline there should be 200
ppm for the detergent and 50 ppm for the rinse-agent. Those products are available from
any chemical company. Never use chlorinated product such as sanitizer and bleach.
These products can damage the equipment.
Should you run out of these products, you can use residential brand product as a
temporary measure. Do NOT use soap that produces suds. Use those product that are
sold for dishwashers. Good quality chemical product will improve the washing.
Models 727, 737, F-16, F-16DP, F-18, F-18DP & F-20 are supplied with a factory installed
liquid detergent pump to automatically dispense detergent into the wash tank chambers.
Before accessing the bottom section of the dishwasher, make sure that the power was
turned off at the source (breaker panel).
The bottom panel can only be remove with a flat tool
like a screw-driver. Insert the screw-driver in the gap
between the front panel and the side panel. Pry open
towards you. Do this on both side.
The clear hoses connected to the pumps must be
pulled out and fed through the bottom of the
dishwasher. The containers can be either to the right
or left of the dishwasher. Perforating the stainless
panel is not recommended.
1 888 275 4538 - 611
514 737 9701 - 611
FAX 514 737 2792