Setting ID
The basic personality card has jumpers available on the personality card to set the
ID for each slot. To access the jumpers the top cover must be removed. The
following picture indicates the location of jumpers W1-W4.
There are 4 jumpers on the personality card (W1, W2, W3, and W4) for hard
setting the ID of each slot.
Header W1 is for slot 3
Header W2 is for slot 2
Header W3 is for slot 1
Header W4 is for slot 0

Available ID's

Each bus is allowed to have ID's that range from 0-15. No two devices on the
same bus may share the same ID. Each host controller always uses one ID. The
Figure above shows all 0-15 possible ID settings.
SSttoorrBBllaaddeeTM SCSI JBOD Installation Guide Rev A 4-2
NOTE: View is from rear of the unit.
Switch settings are shown from the rear of the unit.