12. Remove the container from underneath the frother. Remove
the drawer, empty, rinse thoroughly and replace.
The display shows PRESS MAINT.
13. Push the Rinse Button. The machine will run a regular rinse
cycle, MACHINE RINSING and then the display will return to
its normal position SELECT PRODUCT.
14. Clean the chrome front and the grid with a moist, soft cloth.
Pre-warm your cups
Awarm cup will keep the coffee hot longer. Hold your cup
underneath the frother and push the Hot Water Button (Fig. 4a)
for a few seconds. Discard the water into the drawer.
Move the coffee spout close to the cup
This way the coffee will loose less aroma.
Sugar and cream
Cold milk reduces the temperature of your coffee. If you like your
coffee "with cream" or with "cream and sugar", add it to the cup
first and steam it for a few seconds. Then add the coffee.
Extremely hot coffee
If you like your coffee extremely hot, the Impressa F9 can
accommodate you. Brew your coffee, but reduce the cup size by
approx. 12oz., e.g. if you plan to brew a 6 oz. cup, change the
cup size in programming to 5 12oz. (165 ML). After brewing your
coffee, push the Steam Button (Fig. 4b) and wait until the light
stops blinking. Move the cylinder of the frother up for steaming
(Fig. 18). Now immerse the tip of the frother into your cup. Push
the Steam Button again and inject steam for about 10 to 20 sec-
onds. Your coffee will be extremely hot.
Please note:Some of the aroma of the coffee will be lost in this
The following supplies are necessary to keep your machine in
good working order:
Claris Water Filter Cartridge (eliminates the need for
decalcifying tablets).
Special Cleaning Tablets (white tablets).
Decalcifying tablets (large, white square tablets).
Please note: You must use decalcifying tablets if you do not use
the Claris cartridge.
All supplies areavailable through:
-the enclosed mail order formthat came with your machine
-our toll free line at 1-800-220-5701 or
-the Internet at www.capresso.com.
Please note: This warranty will be void if the Warranty / Product
Registration has not been received two weeks after the purchase
date (you can fax or mail the registration or you can register
through our website www.capresso.com)
This limited warranty covers your new IMPRESSA F9 for house-
hold use only (commercial use voids warranty): One Year or 4,000
coffee brewings, whichever comes first.
This warranty is in effect for the period and usage described
above from the date of the first purchase and is limited to the
United States of America. This warranty covers all defects in
materials or workmanship (parts and labor) including free UPS