Important:Do NOT fill this funnel with instant coffee and do not
use more than two level scoops of coffee.
• Touch one of the three cup symbols to select cup size and
then touch ST@RT.While brewing, the display shows
(for example) BIG CUP POWDER.
Please note:When using pre-ground coffee, you cannot use the
1-Cup or 2-Cup button.
Please note:If you push the scoop button accidentally, touch
ST@RTto clear.The F9 starts the brewing process, and stops
after a few seconds. The display will return to SELECT PRODUCT.
Please note:After use of sugar coated or flavored coffee
through the pre-ground coffee funnel you may experience some
flavor transfer when going back to your regular coffee. Push the
Rinse Button (Fig. 3b) once or twice to process some water
through the coffee spouts.
With the Hot Water Button (Fig. 4a) you can make a cup of tea, a
quick soup or add hot water to your coffee, making it less strong.
Caution:Always make sure that you have a container under-
neath the frother (Fig. 15) when using the hot water function,
otherwise hot water might splatter, causing severe injuries.
• Push the Hot Water Button WATER PORTION.Hot water will
flow immediately out of the frother.
• Tostop the water flow,push the Hot Water Button again.
Please note:The hot water portion is set to approx. 5 oz.
It can be programmed from 1 to 16 oz. (chapter 18f).
The steam function can be used to heat up any liquid and to
steam and froth milk.
Steaming Position:
The metal cylinder is in the UP position (Fig. 18). In the steaming
position hot steam is injected into the milk (or any other liquid)
without creating a frothy layer on top.
Frothing Position:
The metal cylinder is in the DOWN position (Fig. 18). In the froth-
ing position hot steam and air is injected into the milk creating
warm milk and a firm layer of tiny froth bubbles.
Fill a pitcher (10 to 12 oz. capacity) or a large cup with at
least 4 to 5 oz. of cold milk.
Push the Steam Button (Fig. 4b). The Steam Button's red light
will startblinking and the display reads YOUR MACHINE IS
HEATING.After a few seconds the red light stays illuminated
and the display reads SELECT PRODUCT.
Immerse the tip of the frother into the milk and push the
Steam Button again (Fig. 4b). Hot steam will be injected into
the milk. During this time the display shows STEAM PORTION.
• Tostop the steam function, push the Steam Button again.
Please note:Steam output will automatically stop after 60 sec-
onds. If you need moresteam just push the Steam Button again
and you will have another 60 seconds of steam. You can also
change the steam output to a shorter interval (chapter 18e).
Tips for frothing (Cappuccino):
Start in the steaming position (cylinder "up") for 10 to 20 sec-
onds. This way your milk will be warmed up first. Then push the
cylinder "down". Milk froth will build up. This way the froth on
top of your milk is also warm. If the frothed milk is not warm
enough, continue in the steaming position.