*The Professional-Cappuccino Frother is optional with the IMPRESSA S7 avantgarde. 13
When you have frothed the milk to your liking, pres the key
11.3 Attaching the Professional-Cappuccino Frother to the IMPRESSA*
Remove the 2-stage frothing jet (24).
Now attach the Professional-Cappuccino Frother (Fig. 6).
Press the hose into one side of the opening behind the dial
(Fig. 7).
IMPRESSA S9 avantgarde: The supplied “Deluxe” milk
pitcher is suited for drawing in the milk.
11.4 Making cappuccino and hot milk with the Professional-Cappuccino Frother*
Fill the milk pitcher with milk or dip the milk hose directly into
the milk.
Place a cup under the Professional-Cappuccino Frother.
Press the Steam Portion key .
The machine will froth or heat milk according to the time you
programmed (see “Programming the steam portion”, Chapter
For cappuccino, turn the selector switch (1, Fig. 7) to (2).
For hot milk, turn the selector switch (1, Fig. 7) to (3).
Now place the cup with the cappuccino froth or hot milk under
the coffee spout (18) and make a coffee of your choice.
11.5 Cleaning the Professional-Cappuccino Frotherand jet*
After heating or frothing milk, you should clean the Profes-
sional-Cappuccino Frother. We recommend cleaning it on a
daily basis.
Your IMPRESSA will not prompt you to clean the Profes-
sional-Cappuccino Frother.
The Professional-Cappuccino Frother and the Easy-Cappuc-
cino Frother are best cleaned using the JURA Auto-Cappuc-
cino cleaner. Please contact an authorized dealer. We recom-
mend cleaning these devices daily.
Fill water into a receptacle and dip the milk hose into it.
Draw steam until the water / steam from the Frother runs clear.
We also recommend regularly disassembling the Frother and
rinsing it under running water.
Remove the Professional-Cappuccino Frother from the IMPRES-
SA and take it apart as shown in Fig. 8.
Thoroughly rinse all the parts of the Professional-Cappuccino
Frother under running water.
Re-assemble the Professional-Cappuccino Frother and attach it
to your IMPRESSA.
12. Switching the IMPRESSA S9/S7 avantgarde off
Switching the IMPRESSA off causes the coffee spout to be rinsed
first. Therefore, please make sure to place a suitable receptacle
under the coffee spout (18).
Switch the IMPRESSA off with the ON / OFF key (11).