OPEN & CLOSE (Basic Operation Procedure)


You can launch this program using the standard procedure for WindowsT. There are some
differences between WindowsT 3.1 and WindowsT 95.
WindowsT 3.1 offers a number of ways to launch an application.
1. Open the group of application icons on the program manger and double-click the applica-
tion you want to open.
2. Select Run in the program manger, select the file name of the application and click the
RUN button.
3. Double-click the application name in the File Manager menu.
With WindowsT 95, click the [START] button on the taskbar, and the program menu
appears on the screen. Move the cursor to the program you want to run and click to start
the program.
Now let’s actually launch the program.
If you’re using WindowsT 3.1, open the JVC GV-PT2 Capture group on the program manager
and double-click the JVC GV-PT2 Capture icon.
If you’re using WindowsT 95, select JVC GV-PT2 Capture on the start menu and start it.
MS-DOS Prompt
Windows Explorer
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