Internet Explorer Setting

Settings (continued)

Tampering Detection Pages

This page sets the tampering detection.

This page can be used during access using "admin" or "operator".

Click [Advanced Settings] and [Tampering Detection].


If the [OK] button is pressed upon entering an invalid value, a warning message will appear and the entry will be denied. Press the [Cancel] button to restore the invalid entry to its previous value. When you press the [Cancel] button, other entries that you changed will also be restored to their previous values.

When the Built-in Viewer or another client is acquiring images from the camera and the camera's transfer capabilities are exceeded, video may not be displayed on the [Tampering Detection] page. When using the [Tampering Detection] page, disable the Built-in Viewer and other clients.


Detection may not be possible due to the installation conditions of the camera or the subject being shot.

When [Motion Detection] or [Audio Detection] is set to AONB, the tampering detection function cannot be used.

A Inspection

When tampering is detected, the area around the viewer becomes


accentuated in red.


Tampering detection is triggered when the video brightness data becomes


focused on a single value. This may take place when the lens has been


blocked, or an obstacle is placed in front of the camera.



B Tampering

Turns tampering detection ON or OFF.


[Set values: ON, OFF]



C Level

Sets the tampering detection level.


Larger numbers will increase the detection level, making it more sensitive.


[Set values: 0 to 4 to 10]



D Detection Time

Sets the minimum time for detecting tampering.


If video determined to be tampering continues for longer than the specified


time, tampering detection is triggered.


[Set values: 5 to 50 to 100] sec




* The [Set values] in bold letters are factory defaults.