page 6.23
Digital Projection LIGHTNING 35HD User Manual 6. Appendix
PSU CommandsLamp On
Used to turn Lamp on and query Lamp state.
CALL : "lpsu,on,write,[lamp number] "
NOTE : Lamp number currently ignored but must be present
: (can be set to 0).
RETURNS : "[msg id],ACK,on"
: "[msg id],NAK,on"
CALL : "lpsu,on,read,[urgency switch],[lamp number]"
NOTE : Urgency switch and lamp number currently ignored
: but must be present (can be set to 0).
RETURNS : "[msg id],lpsu,on"
: OR
: "[msg id],lpsu,off"
: OR
: "[msg id],NAK,on"
Lamp Off
Used to turn Lamp off and query Lamp state.
CALL : "lpsu,off,write,[lamp number]"
NOTE : Lamp number currently ignored but must be present
: (can be set to 0).
RETURNS : "[msg id],ACK,on"
: "[msg id],NAK,on"
CALL : "lpsu,on,read,[urgency switch],[lamp number]"
NOTE : Urgency switch and lamp number currently ignored but must be
present (can be set to 0).
RETURNS : "[msg id],lpsu,on"
: OR
: "[msg id],lpsu,off"
: OR
: "[msg id],NAK,on"