2. Installation Digital Projection LIGHTNING 35HD User Manual
The lenses available and their
part numbers are listed below:
1.0: 1 fixed lens 103-350
1.25 - 1.45: 1 zoom lens 103-351
1.45 - 1.8: 1 zoom lens 102-451
1.8 - 2.4: 1 zoom lens 102-676
(note: these two lenses overlap)
2.2 - 3.0: 1 zoom lens 102-677
3.0 - 4.3: 1 zoom lens 102-678
4.3 - 6.0: 1 zoom lens 104-189
4:3 full height image
Use the chart below to choose which lens best suits your application.
if you need to be more precise, then use the calculations on page 5:
Lens charts, continued
1440 x 1080 pixels
1440 x 1080 pixels
Screen width
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 metres
16 33 49 66 82 98 115 131 148 feet
Throw distance
148 45
131 40
115 35
98 30
82 25
66 20
49 15
33 10
16 5
TRF (see page 12) = 1.42