Plug the Ground Fault Circuit Inter- rupter (GFCI) into a receptacle. Press RESET button, indicator should be “ON”.
Press TEST button, indicator should be “OFF”.
Press RESET button for use. We recommend that you test the GFCI as part of your startup proce- dure each time you use your pres- sure washer. To learn how to peform this test on your unit, visit http://www.karcherresidential.com/ gfci_test.php for detailed instruc- tions for your type of GFCI.
Do not use if above test fails.
STEP 8: |
Unlock the trigger gun safety lock. Trigger the gun to eliminate trapped air, wait for a steady flow of water to emerge from the spray nozzle.
Turn on the high pressure washer (I/ON).
The motor starts only if the trig- ger of the gun is pulled and shuts off when the trigger is released.
This pressure washer has been tested by Kärcher’s quality assurance team. A small amount of water may be present in the water inlet or outlet. This is nor- mal and will not affect the performance of the pressure washer.
English 9