ᦾ᧔ᦛ᧎᥸ᦿҫᦺᧀᦓᥴᧀᦛӇҺᦎ᦬᥸᥷᧛ҧ᧐ᦫҫᦎӎ᧓ ႑ ᦲᧀ᥸ᦿҫӇҧҵᦎᦠᧀᦿᦊ᧓ᦊᧄ᥸ᦿҫᦺᧀᦓӇҧ᧒ᦔ᧔ᥫᦎᦿҫ

᧒ᧈ᥼ᦿҫӇҵ᥮ᦘᦄᧇ᧜ᦿ᥮᧌ᦟᦎ᦬᥷Ӈҧ᥮᧌ᦔ᧋ᦊᦿᥴᦀ᧔᥸ᧇ Ү᧜ᦛӇᥴ᧓᥮ᧄᦃᥰᦀ᧓ᦺᦿҴ᧊ᥱ᥮ᦗ᥮ᧃӇҧ Ӏҫ᧎ᦄᦿҫӇ᥶᧓ᦐᦿҫӇᥴᧇ᧎ᦈᦔᦿҫᧆᧃᥴᦼᥲᦘᦿҫ ᦺᧀᦓᥴᧀᦛӇҺᦎ᦬᥸᥷᧛ҧ᧐ᦫҫᦎӎҭҳ᥮ᦄᦿҫ Ӈҧҵᦎᦠᧀᦿᦊ᧓ᦊᧄ᥸ᦿҫᦺᧀᦓӇҧ᧒ᦔ᧔ᥫᦎᦿҫᦾ᧔ᦛ᧎᥸ᦿҫ ҵ᥮ᦘᦄᧇ᧜ᦿ᥮᧌ᦟᦎ᦬᥷Ӈҧ᥮᧌ᦔ᧋ᦊᦿᥴᦀ᧔᥸ᧇᦲᧀ᥸ᦿҫ ᥴ᧓᥮ᧄᦃᥰᦀ᧓ᦺᦿҴ᧊ᥱ᥮ᦗ᥮ᧃӇҧ᧒ᧈ᥼ᦿҫӇ ᥶᧓ᦐᦿҫӇᥴᧇ᧎ᦈᦔᦿҫᧆᧃᥴᦼᥲᦘᦿҫҮ᧜ᦛӇ  ҭҳ᥮ᦄᦿҫӀҫ᧎ᦄᦿҫӇ

᥮᧌ᥱᦎᧄ᧓᧒᥸ᦿҫҥҫᦐ᥿᧗ҫᦪ᧔ᧄ᥿ᥴ᧓᥮ᧄᦃᥰᦀ᧓ ႑ ҽ᥮᦬ᦗᧆᧃᦾᧄ᦬ᦿҫӁ᥮ᦤᧇ᧒ᦳҵ᥮᧔᥸ᦿҫ

ᦎᧄ᧓᧒᥸ᦿҫҥҫᦐ᥿᧗ҫᦪ᧔ᧄ᥿ᥴ᧓᥮ᧄᦃᥰᦀ᧓ҥ᥮ᧄᦿҫ ҽ᥮᦬ᦗᧆᧃᦾᧄ᦬ᦿҫӁ᥮ᦤᧇ᧒ᦳҵ᥮᧔᥸ᦿҫ᥮᧌ᥱ  ҥ᥮ᧄᦿҫ

᧒ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦻᦺᧀᦔᥱ᧛ҩҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫᦾ᧔ᦛ᧎᥸ᥱᦂᧄᦔ᧓᧛ ႑ ᢒᦸᦳӇ᧒ᧈᦳᦾᥲᦷᧆᧃ᧊ᧄ᧔ᧄᦜ᥷ᧂ᥷ᦢᦸᦳ ᦾ᧔ᦛ᧎᥸ᥱᦂᧄᦔ᧓᧛,(&ҵ᥮᧔᦬ᧄᧀᦿ



ҳҳᦎ᥸ᧃ᧒ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦻҵ᥮᧔᥸ᥱҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫᦾ᧔ᦛ᧎᥸ᥱᧂᦷ ႑ ᦊ᧌ᦀᦿҫᦪᧃ᧒ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦼᦿҫᦊ᧌ᦀᦿҫᦶᦳҫ᧎᥸᧓Ӆҧᥰᦀ᧓

᧐ᧀᦫҳ᧎᥿᧎ᧄᦿҫᦶᦜᧀᧄᦿҫ᧐ᧀᦫҵ᧎ᦻᦌᧄᦿҫ ᧒ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦻҵ᥮᧔᥸ᥱҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫᦾ᧔ᦛ᧎᥸ᥱᧂᦷҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫ ᧒ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦼᦿҫᦊ᧌ᦀᦿҫᦶᦳҫ᧎᥸᧓Ӆҧᥰᦀ᧓ҳҳᦎ᥸ᧃ ҳ᧎᥿᧎ᧄᦿҫᦶᦜᧀᧄᦿҫ᧐ᧀᦫҵ᧎ᦻᦌᧄᦿҫᦊ᧌ᦀᦿҫᦪᧃ  Ҷ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫ᧐ᧀᦫ

ұ᧎ᧄᦔᧄᦿҫ᧐ᦜᦷ᧗ҫᦊᦄᦿҫҶӇ᥮ᦀ᥷ӄᦊᦫᥰᦀ᧓ ႑ ᦾ᧔ᦛ᧎᥸ᦿҫᥴᦤᦸᧈᥱᥴᦼᥲᦘᦿҫᥴᧃӇ᥮ᦸᧄᦿ᧊ᥱ

ӄᦊᦫᥰᦀ᧓ ᥴ᧔ᧈᦴᦿҫҮ᥮ᧇ᥮᧔ᥲᦿҫᦎᦨᧇҫ ᧒ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦼᦿҫ ᥴᧃӇ᥮ᦸᧄᦿ᧊ᥱұ᧎ᧄᦔᧄᦿҫ᧐ᦜᦷ᧗ҫᦊᦄᦿҫҶӇ᥮ᦀ᥷ ᦎᦨᧇҫ ᧒ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦼᦿҫᦾ᧔ᦛ᧎᥸ᦿҫᥴᦤᦸᧈᥱᥴᦼᥲᦘᦿҫ   ᥴ᧔ᧈᦴᦿҫҮ᥮ᧇ᥮᧔ᥲᦿҫ

ᦾ᧔ᦰᦘ᥸ᥱ᧒ᦓ᥮ᦓҧᦾᦼᦘᥱᦂᦜᧈᧇᥴ᧔ᧈᧃҧҬ᥮ᥲᦓ᧗ ႑ ҮҫҴᥴ᧔ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦼᦿҫҭᦎᥫҫᦊᦿҫᦪᦣ᥮ᦷᦎᥲᦫҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫ ᧒ᧀᧀᧃ᧐ᦜᦷҧᦊᦄᥱ ᧒ᦟҵ᧗ҫᦾᦤ᦬ᦿҫ ᧒ᦓ᥮ᦓҧᦾᦼᦘᥱᦂᦜᧈᧇᥴ᧔ᧈᧃҧҬ᥮ᥲᦓ᧗ ᦎ᧔ᥲᧃҧ

ᥴ᧔ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦼᦿҫҭᦎᥫҫᦊᦿҫᦪᦣ᥮ᦷᦎᥲᦫҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫᦾ᧔ᦰᦘ᥸ᥱ ᧒ᧀᧀᧃ᧐ᦜᦷҧᦊᦄᥱ ᧒ᦟҵ᧗ҫᦾᦤ᦬ᦿҫҮҫҴ   ᦎ᧔ᥲᧃҧ

ӄҫᦊᦈ᥸ᦓҫᦊᧈᦫӅ᥮ᦼᧄᦿҫ᧒ᦳᧆ᧓ᦊ᥿ҫ᧎᥸ᧄᦿҫ Ӄ᥮ᧄ᦬᥸ᦓҫӄᦊᦈ᥸ᦔᧄᦿҫ᧐ᧀᦫᥰᦀ᧓Ҷ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫ ᦌᦇᥤ᧓ӅҧӇҭҳᦊᦄᧄᦿҫᦊᦫҫ᧎ᦸᧀᦿ᥮ᦸᦳӇҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫ ᥴᦤ᧔ᦄᧄᦿҫᥴ᧔ᧇ᥮ᦼᧄᦿҫӀӇᦎᦨᦿҫӆҵ᥮ᥲ᥸ᦫҫ᧒ᦳ ҹ᥮ᦈᦗ᧗ҫᥴᧃ᧜ᦓ᧐ᧀᦫҹᦎᦄ᧓Ӈ ӄҫᦊᦈ᥸ᦓҫᦊᧈᦫӅ᥮ᦼᧄᦿҫ᧒ᦳᧆ᧓ᦊ᥿ҫ᧎᥸ᧄᦿҫ  Ҷ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫ

ҹ᥮ᦈᦗҧᦊ᥿ҫ᧎᥷ᦊᧈᦫҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫӄᦊᦈ᥸ᦔӎ᧓᧛ ႑ ᧂ᧌ᥫҫᦊ᥷ҵҫᦪᧃ᧛ҩᦾᧄ᦬ᦿҫӁ᥮ᦤᧇ᧒ᦳᧆ᧓ᦎᦇҦ

ᦊᧈᦫҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫӄᦊᦈ᥸ᦔӎ᧓᧛ᥴ᧔ᦷҫӇᦒᥱ᧜ᧄᦿ ᦾᧄ᦬ᦿҫӁ᥮ᦤᧇ᧒ᦳᧆ᧓ᦎᦇҦҹ᥮ᦈᦗҧᦊ᥿ҫ᧎᥷


ᥴᥲᦓ᥮ᧈᧃᥴ᧔ᦷҫӇҮҫҵ᥮ᦨᧇӇᦒᥱ᧜ᧃҥҫᦊ᥷ҵҫᧂ᥸᧓ ႑ ᦊ᥷ᦎ᥷᧒᥸ᦿҫҮҫҵӇҴ᥮ᦸᦿҫӇӆ᥮᧔ᧄᦿҫᧆᧃᥴ᧓᥮ᧄᦄᧀᦿ ᥴ᧔ᦷҫӇҮҫҵ᥮ᦨᧇӇᦒᥱ᧜ᧃҥҫᦊ᥷ҵҫᧂ᥸᧓ҭᦎ᥻᥮ᧈ᥸ᧃ

᧒᥸ᦿҫҮҫҵӇҴ᥮ᦸᦿҫӇӆ᥮᧔ᧄᦿҫᧆᧃᥴ᧓᥮ᧄᦄᧀᦿᥴᥲᦓ᥮ᧈᧃ  ҭᦎ᥻᥮ᧈ᥸ᧃᦊ᥷ᦎ᥷


ᥴᧀ᧓᧎ᦣҮҫᦎ᥸ᦴᦿᦾ᧔ᦰᦘ᥸ᦿҫᦲᦷ᧎᥷ᥴᦿ᥮ᦃ᧒ᦳ ႑ ᦶ᧓ᦎᦣᧆᦫҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫӀ᥮ᦸ᧓ҩ᧐ᧀᦫҹᦎᦃҫ ᧂᦷӇҧҭᦐ᧌᥿᧗ҫұ᥮᥸ᦴᧃ᧒ᦔ᧔ᥫᦎᦿҫұ᥮᥸ᦴᧄᦿҫ

ᥴᦼᥲᦘᦿҫᧆᧃҵ᥮᧔᥸ᦿҫᦒᥱ᥮ᦷᦪᧀᦈᥱ Үҫᦎ᥸ᦴᦿᦾ᧔ᦰᦘ᥸ᦿҫᦲᦷ᧎᥷ᥴᦿ᥮ᦃ᧒ᦳᥴ᧔ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦼᦿҫ ᧆᦫҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫӀ᥮ᦸ᧓ҩ᧐ᧀᦫҹᦎᦃҫᥴᧀ᧓᧎ᦣ Ӈҧҭᦐ᧌᥿᧗ҫұ᥮᥸ᦴᧃ᧒ᦔ᧔ᥫᦎᦿҫұ᥮᥸ᦴᧄᦿҫᦶ᧓ᦎᦣ ᥴᦼᥲᦘᦿҫᧆᧃҵ᥮᧔᥸ᦿҫᦒᥱ᥮ᦷᦪᧀᦈᥱᧂᦷ  ᥴ᧔ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦼᦿҫ

ҭҵҫᦎᦃҮ᥮᥿ҵҳᦊᧈᦫҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫᦾ᧔ᦰᦘ᥸ᥱᧂᦸ᥷᧛ ႑ ᦾ᧔ᦰᦘ᥸ᥱᧂᦸ᥷᧛ᥴ᧓᧎ᥬᧃᥴ᥿ҵҳᧆᧃᦾᦷҧ ᧆᧃᦾᦷҧҭҵҫᦎᦃҮ᥮᥿ҵҳᦊᧈᦫҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫ


ᦾᦸ᥷᧛ҧᥰᦀ᧓ᥴ᧔ᧀᦤᧄᦿҫᦂᦤᦓ᧗ҫᦲ᧔ᦨᧈ᥷ᦊᧈᦫ ႑ ᧂᦓᧆᦫҽ᥮᦬ᦘᦿҫᧆ᧔ᥱӇ᥮᧌ᧈ᧔ᥱᥴᦳ᥮ᦔᧄᦿҫ ᦂᦤᦓ᧗ҫᦲ᧔ᦨᧈ᥷ᦊᧈᦫҮ᥮᧔ᦴᧀ᥷үӇᦊᦄᦿ᥮᧓ҳ᥮ᦴ᥷ ᧆ᧔ᥱӇ᥮᧌ᧈ᧔ᥱᥴᦳ᥮ᦔᧄᦿҫᦾᦸ᥷᧛ҧᥰᦀ᧓ᥴ᧔ᧀᦤᧄᦿҫ


᧊ᧇҧ᥮ᧄᦿ᥮ᦣᥴᥲᦷҫᦎᧃӅӇᦊᥱ᥮᧔ᥫ᥮᧌ᧇҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫӂᦎ᥸ӎ᧓᧛ ႑ ᥮᧔ᥫ᥮᧌ᧇҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫӂᦎ᥸ӎ᧓᧛ᦾ᧔ᦰᦘ᥸ᦿҫᦊ᧔ᦷӃҫᦐ᧓᧛

ᦊ᧔ᦷӃҫᦐ᧓᧛᧊ᧇҧ᥮ᧄᦿ᥮ᦣᥴᥲᦷҫᦎᧃӅӇᦊᥱ  ᦾ᧔ᦰᦘ᥸ᦿҫ

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Karcher K 5.70 M manual ᥱᦎᧄ᧓᧒ᦿҫҥҫᦐ᧗ҫᦪ᧔ᧄᥴ᧓ᧄᦃᥰᦀ᧓ ႑ ҽᦗᧆᧃᦾᧄᦿҫӁᦤᧇ᧒ᦳҵ᧔ᦿҫ,  ᥴ᧔ᦷҫӇᦒᥱᧄᦿᧂᥫҫᦊҵҫᦪᧃҩ,  ᥴ᧓ᥬᧃᥴҵҳ

K 5.70 M specifications

The Kärcher K 5.70 M is a powerful and versatile electric pressure washer designed for homeowners seeking effective cleaning solutions for a variety of surfaces. Known for its performance and user-friendly features, this model is ideal for tackling tasks ranging from washing cars to cleaning patios and decking.

One of the standout features of the K 5.70 M is its robust water-cooled motor, which not only enhances cleaning efficiency but also extends the lifespan of the machine. This technology allows for consistent power output, making it capable of handling demanding tasks without overheating. With a pressure output of up to 145 bar and a flow rate of 500 liters per hour, this pressure washer is well-equipped to remove stubborn dirt and grime.

The K 5.70 M is designed with versatility in mind. It comes with a range of accessories, including an adjustable spray lance and a dirt blaster nozzle, allowing users to customize their cleaning experience. The adjustable lance enables the user to switch between fan spray and concentrated jet, making it suitable for different surfaces such as wood, concrete, and metal. The dirt blaster nozzle, in particular, provides extra cleaning power, especially for tough stains on hard surfaces.

Another significant characteristic of the K 5.70 M is its integrated detergent tank. This feature simplifies the cleaning process by allowing users to apply detergent directly through the pressure washer, ensuring a deep clean for various surfaces. Additionally, the easy-to-attach connectors make setup and breakdown a breeze, allowing for quick transitions between tasks.

For added convenience, the K 5.70 M is equipped with a built-in hose reel, which neatly stores the high-pressure hose and prevents tangling. The unit also features a sturdy and ergonomic design, making it easy to maneuver and transport. With an adjustable handle and large wheels, users can easily navigate over different terrains without difficulty.

In summary, the Kärcher K 5.70 M combines superior performance, versatility, and user-friendly design, making it an essential tool for any homeowner. Its powerful motor, customizable cleaning options, integrated detergent tank, and convenient features position it as a reliable choice for a variety of cleaning tasks, ensuring that you can maintain your home and outdoor spaces with ease and efficiency.