ᦎ᧔᦯ᦊ᧓ᦊᧄ᥸ᦿҫӂ᧜ᦓҧᦾᦼᦘ᥷Ӆҧᧆᦼᧄᧄᦿҫᧆᧃ ႑ ᥴᦃ᧎᥸ᦴᧄᦿҫᦶᦣ᥮ᧈᧄᦿҫ᧒ᦳҭҵ᧎ᦤᦇᥴᧄᥫ᧜ᧄᦿҫ

ᥴᧄᥫ᧜ᧄᦿҫᦊ᧓ᦊᧄ᥸ᦿҫӂ᧜ᦓҧ᧛ҩӄᦊᦈ᥸ᦔ᥷᧛ Ӆ᧎ᦼ᧓Ӆҧ᧐ᧀᦫҺᦎᦰᦿҫҫᦌ᧌ᦿ᥮᧌ᥱұ᧎ᧄᦔᧄᦿҫӇ ӄᢒ᧔ᦳ᥮ᦻᦺᧀᦔᧀᦿ᧒ᦟᦎ᦬ᦿҫᦪᦤᦸᧄᦿҫ ᧆᧃᧂᧃӄҢᧂᧃ ᦎ᧔᦯ᦊ᧓ᦊᧄ᥸ᦿҫӂ᧜ᦓҧᦾᦼᦘ᥷Ӆҧᧆᦼᧄᧄᦿҫ ᥴᦃ᧎᥸ᦴᧄᦿҫᦶᦣ᥮ᧈᧄᦿҫ᧒ᦳҭҵ᧎ᦤᦇᥴᧄᥫ᧜ᧄᦿҫ ᥴᧄᥫ᧜ᧄᦿҫᦊ᧓ᦊᧄ᥸ᦿҫӂ᧜ᦓҧ᧛ҩӄᦊᦈ᥸ᦔ᥷᧛ Ӆ᧎ᦼ᧓Ӆҧ᧐ᧀᦫҺᦎᦰᦿҫҫᦌ᧌ᦿ᥮᧌ᥱұ᧎ᧄᦔᧄᦿҫӇ ӄᢒ᧔ᦳ᥮ᦻᦺᧀᦔᧀᦿ᧒ᦟᦎ᦬ᦿҫᦪᦤᦸᧄᦿҫ


ᦾᥱ᥮ᦼᦿҫҭᦎᦼᥱᧆᧃᦊ᧓ᦊᧄ᥸ᦿҫᦺᧀᦓ᥮ᧄᥫҫҳᦺᦳӎႽ ႑ ҭᦎᦼᥱᧆᧃᦊ᧓ᦊᧄ᥸ᦿҫᦺᧀᦓ᥮ᧄᥫҫҳᦺᦳӎႽᦾᧃ᥮ᦼᦿ᥮ᥱ


Ү᥮ᥲ᧔ᦻᦎ᥸ᦿҫӇ᧒ᦿ᥮᦬ᦿҫᦢᦰᦠᦿҫᧂ᧔ᦣҫᦎᦇᦊ᦬᥷ ႑ Ӆ᥮ᧃ᧗ᥴ᧓ҵӇᦎᦟҮ᥮ᧇ᧎ᦼᧃᥴᥱ᥮᥼ᧄᥱҮ᥮ᧇҵ᥮ᦸᦿҫӇ ᧂ᧔ᦣҫᦎᦇ᧐ᧀᦫӄҫᦊᦈ᥸ᦓ᧛ҫᦎᦜ᥸ᦸ᧓Ҷ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫ ᧒᥸ᦿҫҮ᥮ᧇҵ᥮ᦸᦿҫӇҮ᥮ᥲ᧔ᦻᦎ᥸ᦿҫӇ᧒ᦿ᥮᦬ᦿҫᦢᦰᦠᦿҫ

ᧂ᧔ᦣҫᦎᦇᦊ᦬᥷ᥴᦀ᥸ᧈᧄᦿҫᥴᦻᦎᦘᦿҫ᥮᧌ᥱᦂᦜᧈ᥷ ᥴᥱ᥮᥼ᧄᥱҮ᥮ᧇҵ᥮ᦸᦿҫӇҮ᥮ᥲ᧔ᦻᦎ᥸ᦿҫӇ᧒ᦿ᥮᦬ᦿҫᦢᦰᦠᦿҫ ᦎᦜ᥸ᦸ᧓Ҷ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫӅ᥮ᧃ᧗ᥴ᧓ҵӇᦎᦟҮ᥮ᧇ᧎ᦼᧃ ᧒ᦿ᥮᦬ᦿҫᦢᦰᦠᦿҫᧂ᧔ᦣҫᦎᦇ᧐ᧀᦫӄҫᦊᦈ᥸ᦓ᧛ҫ ᥮᧌ᥱᦂᦜᧈ᥷᧒᥸ᦿҫҮ᥮ᧇҵ᥮ᦸᦿҫӇҮ᥮ᥲ᧔ᦻᦎ᥸ᦿҫӇ  ᥴᦀ᥸ᧈᧄᦿҫᥴᦻᦎᦘᦿҫ

ӉҧᦾᥲᦷᧆᧃҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫҫᦌ᧋ӄҫᦊᦈ᥸ᦓҫҶ᧎ᦀ᧓᧛ ႑ Ӈҧᥴ᧔ᧇᦊᥱҮ᥮ᦷ᥮ᦫҩᥴ᧓ҧᧆᧃӅ᧎ᧇ᥮᦬᧓ҹ᥮ᦈᦗҧ

ҫᦌ᧋ӄҫᦊᦈ᥸ᦓҫҶ᧎ᦀ᧓᧛ᥴ᧔ᧈ᧋ҴӇҧᥴ᧔ᦔᦃ ᧆᧃӅ᧎ᧇ᥮᦬᧓ҹ᥮ᦈᦗҧӉҧᦾᥲᦷᧆᧃҶ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫ



ᧆ᧔ᥱҵᦊᧄᦿҫᦎ᧔᦯ҹ᥮ᦈᦗ᧗ҫӇҧ ᧂ᧌᥼ᥲᦫӄᦊᦫᧆᧃᦊᦻᥤ᥸ᧀᦿӃ᥮ᦴᦣ᧗ҫᥴᥲᦷҫᦎᧃᥰᦀ᧓


ᦲ᧔ᧀᦰ᥸ᦿ᥮ᥱᥴᦛ᥮ᦈᦿҫᦎ᧓ᦊᦜᦸᦿҫӁҵӇᥴᦳ᥮ᦴᦿᦦᦴᦄ᥷ ᧆᧄᦼ᧓᥺᧔ᦃҢӃ᥮ᦴᦣ᧗ҫӃӇ᥮ᧈ᥸ᧃᧆᦫᢓᦊ᧔᦬ᥱ


Ҷ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫӃ᥮ᧄ᦬᥸ᦓҫӄᦊᦈ᥸ᦔᧄᦿҫ᧐ᧀᦫᥰᦀ᧓ ႑ ᧒ᦳᦌᦇᥤ᧓ӅҧӇҭҳᦊᦄᧄᦿҫᦊᦫҫ᧎ᦸᧀᦿ᥮ᦸᦳӇ

ᥴᦤ᧔ᦄᧄᦿҫᥴ᧔ᧇ᥮ᦼᧄᦿҫӀӇᦎᦨᦿҫӆҵ᥮ᥲ᥸ᦫҫ ҹ᥮ᦈᦗ᧗ҫᥴᧃ᧜ᦓ᧐ᧀᦫҹᦎᦄ᧓Ӈ


Ӊ᧎᥸ᦄ᥷᧒᥸ᦿҫҥ᥮᧔ᦗ᧗ҫᦲ᧔ᦨᧈ᥸ᦿҸᦎᦿ᥮ᥱᧂᦸ᥷᧛ ႑ ᦾ᥼ᧃ ᥴᦄᦜᦿҫ᧐ᧀᦫҭҵ᧎ᦤᦇᦾ᥼ᧄ᥷ҳҫ᧎ᧃ᧐ᧀᦫ

ᦲ᧔ᦨᧈ᥸ᦿҸᦎᦿ᥮ᥱᧂᦸ᥷᧛ ҷ᧎᥸ᦔᥲᦓ᧗ҫ ᦾ᥼ᧄ᥷ҳҫ᧎ᧃ᧐ᧀᦫӉ᧎᥸ᦄ᥷᧒᥸ᦿҫҥ᥮᧔ᦗ᧗ҫ

 ҷ᧎᥸ᦔᥲᦓ᧗ҫᦾ᥼ᧃ ᥴᦄᦜᦿҫ᧐ᧀᦫҭҵ᧎ᦤᦇ

Ү᥮ᧃ᥮ᧄᦛӇҧҮҫҵ᥮᧔ᦔᦿҫҮҫҵ᥮ᦣҩҺᦎ᦬᥸᥷ᦊᦷ ႑ ҽ᥮᦬ᦗᦎ᧔᥻ᥤ᥷ᧆᧃҵ᥮ᦀᦴᧇ᧛ҫӇᦲᧀ᥸ᧀᦿҮҫҵ᥮ᦣ᧙ҫ ᧐ᧀᦫᥴᧃ᧜ᦫӃӇҧᦂᦠ᥸᥷Ӈ᧒ᦿ᥮᦬ᦿҫᦢᦰᦠᦿҫ ᦾᦼᦘӎ᥷Ӈҵ᥮ᦣ᧙ҫӅ᧎ᦿᦎӐ᧔ᦰ᥷᧒ᦳᦺᦿҴүӇᦊᦃ

Үҫҵ᥮ᦣ᧙ҫҮ᥮ᧃ᥮ᧄᦛӇҮҫҵ᥮᧔ᦔᦿҫҮҫҵ᥮ᦣҩ ᧐ᦫҫᦎ᧓ӎҳҫ ᦎᦳ᧗ҫҭ᥮᧔ᦃ᧐ᧀᦫҭҵ᧎ᦤᦇᥴᦴᦿ᥮᥸ᦿҫ ҽ᥮᦬ᦘᦿҫᧆ᧔ᥱᥴᦳ᥮ᦔᧄᦿҫᦾᦸ᥷᧛ҧᦲ᧔ᦨᧈ᥸ᦿҫᦊᧈᦫ ᦊᦷᧂᦓᧆᦫ᧊ᦴ᧔ᦨᧈ᥷ᧂ᥸᧓ӉᦌᦿҫᧂᦔᦀᦿҫӇ Ү᥮ᧃ᥮ᧄᦛӇҧҮҫҵ᥮᧔ᦔᦿҫҮҫҵ᥮ᦣҩҺᦎ᦬᥸᥷ ҽ᥮᦬ᦗᦎ᧔᥻ᥤ᥷ᧆᧃҵ᥮ᦀᦴᧇ᧛ҫӇᦲᧀ᥸ᧀᦿҮҫҵ᥮ᦣ᧙ҫ ᧐ᧀᦫᥴᧃ᧜ᦫӃӇҧᦂᦠ᥸᥷Ӈ᧒ᦿ᥮᦬ᦿҫᦢᦰᦠᦿҫ ᦾᦼᦘӎ᥷Ӈҵ᥮ᦣ᧙ҫӅ᧎ᦿᦎӐ᧔ᦰ᥷᧒ᦳᦺᦿҴүӇᦊᦃ Үҫҵ᥮ᦣ᧙ҫҮ᥮ᧃ᥮ᧄᦛӇҮҫҵ᥮᧔ᦔᦿҫҮҫҵ᥮ᦣҩ ᧐ᦫҫᦎ᧓ӎҳҫ ᦎᦳ᧗ҫҭ᥮᧔ᦃ᧐ᧀᦫҭҵ᧎ᦤᦇᥴᦴᦿ᥮᥸ᦿҫ ҽ᥮᦬ᦘᦿҫᧆ᧔ᥱᥴᦳ᥮ᦔᧄᦿҫᦾᦸ᥷᧛ҧᦲ᧔ᦨᧈ᥸ᦿҫᦊᧈᦫ


ҵ᥮ᦀᦴᧇ᧛ҫᦎᦤᦇҵ᥮ᦀᦴᧇ᧛ҫᦎᦤᦇ ႑ ᥴ᧔ᧀᧄᦫ᧒ᦳӃ᥮᦬᥸ᦗ᧜ᦿᥴᧀᥱ᥮ᦷᦾᥫҫ᧎ᦓӄᦊᦈ᥸ᦔ᥷᧛


ҳҫ᧎ᧃ᧐ᧀᦫӉ᧎᥸ᦄ᥷ᦾᥫҫ᧎ᦓᦢᦴᦘᥱ᥮᧔ᥫ᥮᧌ᧇᧂᦸ᥷᧛ Ү᥮ᥲ᧓ᦌᧃӇҧᥴᦴᦴᦈᧃᦎ᧔᦯Һ᥮ᧄᦃҧӇҧᥴᥲ᧓ᦌᧃ

Ү᥮ᦴᦴᦈᧃӇҧᧆ᧓ᦐᧈᥲᦿҫӃ᥮᥼ᧄᦿҫᦾ᧔ᥲᦓ᧐ᧀᦫ᥮᧌ᧈᧃӇ Ҭ᥮ᥲᦟᦊ᦬᧓ᥴᧈᦇ᥮ᦔᦿҫҮ᧎᧓ᦐᦿҫӇҧӅҫ᧎ᦿ᧗ҫ Ӄ᥮᦬᥸ᦗ᧜ᦿᥴ᧔ᦿ᥮ᦫᥴ᧔ᧀᥱ᥮ᦷҮҫҴҭҳ᥮ᧃҸ᥮ᦗᦎᦿҫ Ӆ᧎᥸᧔ᦓ᧗ҫᦪᧃᦾᧃ᥮᦬᥸᥷᧛ᥴᧃ᥮ᦓӇҭᦎᦀᦴ᥸ᧃӇ ᥴᥲ᧓ᦌᧄᦿҫҳҫ᧎ᧄᦿҫӇᥴᦴᦴᦈᧄᦿҫᦎ᧔᦯Һ᥮ᧄᦃ᧗ҫӇ ᥴᧃᦊᦈ᥸ᦔᧄᦿҫҮ᥮ᧃ᥮ᦈᦿҫᦾᦻᥢ᥷᧐ᧀᦫᦾᧄ᦬᥷᥮᧌ᧇ᧗  Ҷ᥮᧌ᦀᦿҫᦪᧈᦛ᧒ᦳ


᧒ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦼᦿҫᦒᥱ᥮ᦸᦿҫᧆᧃᦾᦻӅ᧎ᦼ᧓Ӆҧᥰᦀ᧓ ႑ ᥮ᧄᦻҥ᥮ᧄᧀᦿᧆ᧔ᧃӇ᥮ᦸᧃᦊ᧓ᦊᧄ᥸ᦿҫᦺᧀᦓҮ᥮ᧇҵ᥮ᦷӇ Ӆҧᥰᦀ᧓ҥ᥮ᧄᦿҫ᧒ᦳ᥮ᧄ᧌᦬ᦟӇᧂ᥸᧓᧛ҧᥰᦀ᧓ Ү᥮ᧇҵ᥮ᦷӇ᧒ᥫ᥮ᥱᦎ᧌ᦼᦿҫᦒᥱ᥮ᦸᦿҫᧆᧃᦾᦻӅ᧎ᦼ᧓ ᧛ҧᥰᦀ᧓᥮ᧄᦻҥ᥮ᧄᧀᦿᧆ᧔ᧃӇ᥮ᦸᧃᦊ᧓ᦊᧄ᥸ᦿҫᦺᧀᦓ


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Karcher K 5.70 M manual  ᧂᧃӄҢᧂᧃ,  ᦾᧃᦼᦿᥱᦾᥱᦼᦿҫ,  Ҷᦀᦿᥱ,  Ӂᧈᦇҫᦎᦤᦇ,  ҥᧄᦿҫ᧒ᦳᧄᦟӇᧂ᧓

K 5.70 M specifications

The Kärcher K 5.70 M is a powerful and versatile electric pressure washer designed for homeowners seeking effective cleaning solutions for a variety of surfaces. Known for its performance and user-friendly features, this model is ideal for tackling tasks ranging from washing cars to cleaning patios and decking.

One of the standout features of the K 5.70 M is its robust water-cooled motor, which not only enhances cleaning efficiency but also extends the lifespan of the machine. This technology allows for consistent power output, making it capable of handling demanding tasks without overheating. With a pressure output of up to 145 bar and a flow rate of 500 liters per hour, this pressure washer is well-equipped to remove stubborn dirt and grime.

The K 5.70 M is designed with versatility in mind. It comes with a range of accessories, including an adjustable spray lance and a dirt blaster nozzle, allowing users to customize their cleaning experience. The adjustable lance enables the user to switch between fan spray and concentrated jet, making it suitable for different surfaces such as wood, concrete, and metal. The dirt blaster nozzle, in particular, provides extra cleaning power, especially for tough stains on hard surfaces.

Another significant characteristic of the K 5.70 M is its integrated detergent tank. This feature simplifies the cleaning process by allowing users to apply detergent directly through the pressure washer, ensuring a deep clean for various surfaces. Additionally, the easy-to-attach connectors make setup and breakdown a breeze, allowing for quick transitions between tasks.

For added convenience, the K 5.70 M is equipped with a built-in hose reel, which neatly stores the high-pressure hose and prevents tangling. The unit also features a sturdy and ergonomic design, making it easy to maneuver and transport. With an adjustable handle and large wheels, users can easily navigate over different terrains without difficulty.

In summary, the Kärcher K 5.70 M combines superior performance, versatility, and user-friendly design, making it an essential tool for any homeowner. Its powerful motor, customizable cleaning options, integrated detergent tank, and convenient features position it as a reliable choice for a variety of cleaning tasks, ensuring that you can maintain your home and outdoor spaces with ease and efficiency.