These songs range in difficulty from moderately difficult to difficult. To perform them, tap out the rhythm of both the melody and the accompaniment notes on any of the keys on your piano keyboard, like “Waltz of The Flowers” shown below.
Key on | 3 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x x | x | x | x | x | x |
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? # | 3 | œ | œ | œ | œ | œ |
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œ | œ | œ |
| œ | œ | œ | œ | œ | œ | |||
# | 4 | œ |
œ | œ | œ |
It may take some practice to get them just right. A good way to learn these songs is to listen to them first, and then try to tap out the rhythms that you hear.
In the song list on page 25, the arrangement type is marked next to each song title as “EB” for Easy Beat, “MP” for Melody Play and “SK” for Skillful.
Concert Magic Song Demo
There are three ways to listen to the Concert Magic songs in the DEMO mode.
1. All Play
Press the CONCERT MAGIC button and then press the DEMO button without selecting a song. The CL25 piano will play back all the preset songs from one to another.
2. Category Play
Press the piano key to which the desired song is assigned while holding down the CONCERT MAGIC button. While still holding down the CONCERT MAGIC button, press the DEMO button. The CL25 piano will play back the selected song, and then play the rest of songs in the same song category one after another.
3. One Song Play
Press the piano key to which the desired song is assigned while holding down the CONCERT MAGIC button. Release the CONCERT MAGIC button and then press the DEMO button. The CL25 will playback the selected song repeatedly until you press the DEMO button again.
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