[i!i !! :i :_!! :i :_!i SECTION 2
[] FILL: Salt, dissolved in water, is called brine.
Brine is needed to clean the hardness minerals from the resin beads. To make the brine, water flows into the salt storage area during the fill stage as shown
in FIG. 6. Fill cycle length depends on how much soft water making capacity you have used since the
last regeneration. As you use more water, fill time
increases so more brine is made. The greater
amount of brine cleans more hardness minerals from the resin bed.
Water Flow Through
the Softener in Fill
soft water hard water
[] BRINE RINSE: After all of the brine is moved into the resin tank, the brine valve closes. Water keeps flowing the same way it did during brining
except the brine flow has stopped. Hardness miner- als and brine flush from the resin tank to the drain.
Brining and brine rinse together vary in the length of time they take, relative to the fill cycle length.
Water Flow Through the Softener
in Brining and Brine Rinse
hard water | hard water |
bypass OUT t I IN
brine valve
salt storage tank
brine valve
fill water
BRINING: During brining, the brine is moved
from the salt storage area, into the resin tank. Inside
the resin tank, brine cleans hardness minerals from
the resin beads and they are discharged out the drain. How much brine is needed to clean the resin
depends on:
The nozzle and venturi (FIG. 7) make suction to take brine from the salt tank and put it into the resin tank. They keep the brine flow down to a very slow rate to get the best resin cleaning with the least salt.
[] BACKWASH: During backwash, water flows
UP through the resin tank (FIG. 8) at a fast rate to
flush iron minerals, dirt and sediments from the bed and to the drain. The bed lifts and expands for good cleaning.
Water Flow Through the
Softener in Backwash
hard | water | hard water |
bypass | OUT t | fIN |
| drain |
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