USB device Operation

Skip Search

You can scroll up or down according to the number of the selected Search items so that you can quickly switch the display position.

1Select USB source

2Enter File Search mode Press the [MENU] button.

Turn the [VOL] knob and press it when the

desired item is displayed. Select “Music” > item.

3Enter Skip Search mode

Press the [SEARCH MODE] button.

4Search for music

Operation type



Move between items

Turn the [VOL] knob.


Select an item

Press the [VOL] knob.


Skip Search

Press the [DISP] or [

] / [TI] button.


Keep pressing the button for 3 seconds or


longer skips songs at 10% irrespective of


the setting.


Sets the ratio of skip

Press the [4] or [¢] button.




Return to previous item

Press the [MENU] button.

Return to Top menu

Press the [MENU] button for at least 1




After this step, see step 4 of <File Search> (page 14) to select a song.

Cancelling the Skip Search

Press the [SEARCH MODE] button.

This operation is effective only for the files registered in the database created with KENWOOD Music Editor.

Set the ratio with“Skip Search”in <USB Setting> (page 15).

Function of remote control

Direct Music Search

Searching the music by entering the file number.

1Enter Direct Music Search mode

Press the [DIRECT] button on the remote control.

2Enter the music number

Press the number buttons on the remote control.

3Search the music

Press the [4] or [¢] button.

Cancelling Direct Music Search

Press the [DIRECT]] button.

Direct Music Search cannot be performed during playing of “Music Editor” media, Random play, or scan play.

16 KDC-BT60U/ KDC-6047U